PSA applauds achievements in the public service

Worker’s rights applauded amid challenges

Worker’s rights applauded amid challenges

Published Jun 23, 2024


Since the dawn of democracy, South Africa has witnessed progress in the public sector, transforming the landscape of governance and service delivery.

The Public Servants Association (PSA) has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights and interests of public servants tasked with these responsibilities, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their contributions acknowledged.

Public servants have always played a pivotal role in shaping policies, implementing programMEs, and serving the public with dedication and integrity.

From education to healthcare, infrastructure to social services, public servants have been the driving force behind the progress achieved as a nation.

The Covid-19 pandemic aptly highlighted the resilience and dedication of public servants who worked tirelessly to protect and serve communities during those unprecedented times.

Whilst celebrating milestones, challenges need to be acknowledged and addressed.

Public servants are increasingly exposed to unconducive and unsafe work environments. They continue to endure the impact of corruption, maladministration, lacking infrastructure, and understaffing whilst expected to render quality services to frustrated communities.

In the era of a new government, the PSA expects that gains made since the dawn of democracy will not to be reversed by the change of government.

The PSA will defend existing collective agreements and continue to protect and promote the rights and interests of public servants.

Based on these realities, the PSA reaffirms the union’s commitment to advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and professional development opportunities for public servants in support of service delivery.

On Public Service Day, let us celebrate achievements, honour the dedication of public servants, and reaffirm a commitment to building a brighter future for all by empowering public servants in their critical roles.

Sunday Independent