Kuilsriver drummie chosen to fly SA flag high in France

Robyn Jooste became a pro in under three years. Picture: Supplied

Robyn Jooste became a pro in under three years. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 4, 2024


Cape Town - It took her less than three years to be decorated with South African colours for her outstanding ability in the drum majorette sport, now 17-year-old Robyn Jooste from Soneike High in Kuilsriver has been chosen once more to represent the province and country abroad.

Robyn picked up a flag for the first time in 2020 and almost immediately faced hardship with the Covid-19 pandemic taking over the world.

With the country on hard lockdown and the sport being a contact sport, Robyn had no alternative but to teach herself and ask for guidance online.

“I first thought drummies is something like drumline until my school coach walked in with flags.

“I thought what was happening, but then she started to manoeuvre herself in such a magical way and I immediately fell in love.

“I wanted to be the best in every section of the sport, whether it was working with the flags, military batons, marching or dancing.

“I then decided to sign up, but then we went into lockdown.

“I watched YouTube videos and my mommy sacrificed to get me batons so that I could learn and I would also message my coach to ask about certain movements,” she said.

The matric learner said when she returned to the sport in 2021, she received her WP colours and within a year by 2022 was placed fourth in the country and received her national colours.

Robyn was also recognised as the most versatile athlete within the sport – an all rounder, who has skills in batons, pom-poms, flags, military drills and dancing routines.

In 2023 Robyn got the opportunity to join the national team in Croatia and grooved her heart out.

The team bagged four gold, three silver and two bronze trophies.

“I cannot explain how I felt when our country was called up to receive podium spots, just the feeling of ‘I am part of the team’ that was everything to me,” she said.

When she was informed that she was again selected to be part of the team to represent the country at the international championship in France in July, her heart again skipped a beat.

“I am very excited, just to be granted this opportunity is already an achievement.

“I tasted gold and I want to do again!” the passionate athlete said.

Robyn’s room is filled with certificates and medals. Picture: Supplied

Robyn’s proud mom, Lauren van Wyk, 43, said her daughter also motivated her to learn more about the sport.

“Because I knew nothing about drummies I found myself taking up courses myself, so I now understand the amount of effort Robyn puts in and I am so proud,” she said.

Lauren, who raised Robyn as a single mom, added that finances were the only thing that was a challenge.

“In 2023 we sold food to raise funds, so this year we will be doing the same and selling burgers, rotis and so onwards. My husband will do the deliveries.

“We also have two raffles, one an Avon raffle valued at R700. A number costs R50 and the other an alcohol hamper, worth R1 000. A ticket costs R100.

“Our friends and family are also helping and so far out of the R45 000 needed, we paid in R15 000,” Lauren said.

She adds that Robyn’s passport is also sorted already.

If anyone wants to help they can contact Lauren on: 079 784 3820.


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