Cyclists pedal above and beyond for largest animal welfare organisation in SA

Retha Wepenar in her cycling shirt. Supplied

Retha Wepenar in her cycling shirt. Supplied

Published Mar 16, 2022


Cape Town - Cycle enthusiasts went above and beyond for their animal heroes at the Cape Town Cycle Tour at the weekend.

The group of Cape of Good Hope SPCA supporters raised more than R265 000 for the organisation through networking, social media, co-workers, friends, family and the public.

Funds would be used for the oragnisation’s adoptions unit and wildlife department.

Colin Marais, who was among the 71 supporters, said he has always kept in touch with the SPCA since adopting a Jack Russel a few years ago.

“Everyone has this fear that adopted animals are somehow ‘damaged’ or will ‘lash out at some stage’. It could not be further from the truth. The only danger they pose is that you might love them more than your family and friends. Our animals are treated like children. They give us such love and joy that we can never truly repay them. Any opportunity to raise funds for the SPCA is thus a great way to give back,” he said.

Speaking about the event, Marais said starting the race in the rain was daunting, but after the weather cleared it became a beautiful day out.

“Being alive, fit and healthy surrounded by such natural beauty and wonderful scenery was a true privilege,” he said.

Also among the supporters was Retha Wepener. She said: “The challenges we faced on the road in the rain yesterday pale in comparison to what the dedicated staff at the SPCA must face on a daily basis. The SPCA's strength and dedication to their work gave me the strength to reach the finish line and to stand proudly with my fellow blue jerseys for those that are not seen or heard.”

SPCAcChief executive Moyo Ndukwana said: “(The amount) translates directly into 164 tanks of fuel that can cover a massive 148 113 km’s in response to reports of animal cruelty. That’s countless lives saved, justice sought for many victims of cruelty and abuse and hope that beats renewed in the hearts of every staff member of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA today”.

Weekend Argus

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