Climbing the ladder in the wine industry

Nongcebo Langa is currently enrolled in the Business of Wine Management course at UCT business school. SUPPLIED

Nongcebo Langa is currently enrolled in the Business of Wine Management course at UCT business school. SUPPLIED

Published Jun 11, 2022


Cape Town - With patience and nurturing, Nongcebo Langa blossomed like a new vine into a winemaker for Delheim Wine Estate in Stellenbosch.

Langa’s wine journey began with a high school presentation by the department of agriculture.

She joined Delheim as an intern and became a full-time member of the team in 2019. She moved up the ranks to become assistant winemaker before being promoted.

Langa said she is grateful for the opportunity.

“I am excited and beyond belief. Now that I have reached this level, there’s still so much more to accomplish and I look forward to it. I am grateful to my parents for instilling the foundation and motivation that led me on this journey. Delheim is a great brand and I hope to remain present as it grows from strength to strength.

“The journey has been filled with a lot of growth and has brought a deeper understanding of the art of winemaking. Being under the guidance and mentorship of Roelof Lotriet has really allowed me to evolve and will continue to do so. I am excited about the fact that no day is ever the same in my profession. It’s like opening a gift every day and never knowing what you may get.

“I decided to go into the industry because of curiosity more than anything else. I know it’s not one of the noble answers where one seeks to change the world, but I believe that by bettering myself, it puts me in a better position to make a social change,” she said.

Langa, who has an MSc degree in oenology, is currently enrolled in the Business of Wine Management course at UCT business school.

“It’s the latest challenge I am partaking in, and I aim to come out victorious in the end. The course seeks to instil a good business acumen to individuals in the winemaking value chain. It arms you with great skills and understanding of what is going on and how wine fits in the grander scheme of things,” she said

Her advice to those who would like to go into the wine industry: “Give it a shot, you will never know where you will end up and that is the exciting part.”

Lotriet said Langa came with the proper mindset and hit the ground running immediately.

“I always ask interns what they want from this internship and I will never forget Nongcebo’s reply. She said: ‘I want to sit in your seat.’ If you follow her life story and how she has gained momentum in this field, it’s almost impossible not to see her as a leading figure in the wine industry,” he said.

Weekend Argus

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