‘You want me to scream?’ Man goes ballistic over crying baby on plane

Picture:Mike Demou/Pexels

Picture:Mike Demou/Pexels

Published Apr 21, 2023


Can you believe that in this day and age, we’re still grappling with travel that’s unpredictable?

And what about flying? We get to sit in a giant metal tube for hours, packed like sardines with a tiny human whose main gig is crying.

It's like an involuntary karaoke session, except instead of belting out tunes, the only sound is a never-ending chorus of tears.

We’ve seen our fair share of horror stories on flights, and by “horror” we mean snakes, poop and, well, crying babies.

There’s a TikTok video making the rounds of a man who kind of lost his cool after hearing a baby scream for what seemed like forever.

Now, while most of us can relate to being annoyed by a baby, this guy took it to the extreme. His anger was so intense that it was actually pretty funny. Let’s just hope he didn’t pop a vein or something.

‘’That child has been crying for 40 minutes! Calm the child down please,’’ you can hear the passenger screaming. And to make matters worse, the baby just kept on wailing, driving this poor guy up the wall. He begged the staff to do something about it and get the child to quieten down.

But then the staff responded by saying that the baby was already screaming and that he needed to lower his tone, to which he sarcastically asked if they wanted him to start screaming too.

I mean, come on, that would have been a karaoke duet straight out of a horror movie. And his poor wife just has to sit through a grown-up and a baby screaming at the same time.

One user commented: ‘’I get his frustration butttt ummm it’s a child 😳. Hell he made it worse 🤦🏽‍♀️. When he said did the baby pay extra I hollered.’’

You can hear him ask if the baby paid for seating like he did, but I’m sure the anger got to his brain that it didn’t matter that he was arguing against a baby!

Babies are humans too, and according to studies, they feel the pressure of being on a plane as it disrupts their normal routines, which in return, can make them fussier than usual.

‘’I would have been the other one crying because this would send me into a full-blown panic attack,’’ said another user.

Ultimately, while it can be stressful to deal with a crying baby on a plane, it’s important to remember that everyone is doing their best and to approach the situation politely. I know what his next birthday gift should be, a pair of headphones!

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