In a startling incident that could easily be mistaken for a horror movie plot, a Paarl resident in the Western Cape found an unwelcome companion slithering under her covers - a Cape cobra, one of the country's deadliest snakes.
The woman, affectionately referred to as 'tannie', made a shocking discovery when she tried to take a short nap.
In a terrifying turn of events, she called in Eduanne Niemand, the founder of Boland Snake Removals 24/7 and Pest Control, to rescue her from this unexpected situation.
According to the woman, she was preparing to take a nap and when she opened the duvet she saw the snake nestled comfortably on the bed.
"I wanted to go have an afternoon nap. It was so hot. I went and closed the door and came back and when I opened my duvet there I saw it, this snake."
In a quirky twist, a video documenting the snake removal was shared on Niemand's TikTok account, @most_dangerous_job, providing viewers with a front-row seat to the drama as it unfolded.
The footage captures Niemand carefully lifting the duvet, revealing the curled-up Cape cobra - a stunning yet formidable sight.
This striking yellow snake instantly struck fear into the hearts of those who witnessed the clip, which has since gone viral.
The Cape cobra is notorious for being one of the most dangerous snakes in South Africa. Alongside the black mamba, it is responsible for a significant number of fatal snake bites in the country.
Boasting neurotoxic venom, a bite from this snake can lead to rapid deterioration in health, affecting everything from muscle strength to breathing, necessitating urgent medical attention and often antivenom.
@most_dangerous_job #fypp #fyp ♬ original sound - most_dangerous_job
As the video made its rounds online, viewers shared their reactions, oscillating between disbelief and sheer terror.
@and_is_wa questioned whether she should change the sheets or the entire house.
“What happens now, do I change the sheets? The bed? The bedroom? The house?😫.”
@shaskesmal chimed in, admitting to newfound fears about sleeping in her own bed.
“Now I'm scared to sleep in my own bed. Oh Jesus is Lord😭😭😭.”
Meanwhile, @zuri_aqua confessed that she now checks her toilet before sitting down, revealing the widespread fear that this incident has unearthed among South African netizens.
“Another fear unlocked😭😭 till this day, I still check the toilet hole before I sit🥺🥺.”
Such frightening encounters underscore the necessity of snake awareness in many regions of South Africa, where these reptiles populate both urban and rural areas.
As for the tannie, her unexpected bedmate has ensured she’ll never look at naptime the same way again.