Walk on the wild side at Nambiti

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Screenshot of Nambiti official website

Published Aug 23, 2012


Durban - Get really up close and personal with some of KwaZulu-Natal’s most beautiful cheetahs at the Le Sueur Cheetah and Wildlife Centre in the Nambiti Private Game Reserve.

Home to the big five and a diverse landscape, Nambiti affords visitors the chance to learn about the majestic natural sights they see.

On offer is a Cheetah Walk, which is two hours long and allows guests to walk through the bush with a trained guide and little Sky and Storm, two adorable cheetahs.

There you will learn about the sights, sounds and smells of the African bush alongside the cheetah that will one day be released into the wild. The cost is R300.

Just because the cubs are so cute doesn’t mean the adults need be forgotten. For one hour guests will truly grasp the plight of the cheetah.

There is a grave threat to their conservation, but Shadow and Savannah will ensure that your heart is attuned to theirs. Visitors will also meet the Reserve’s hand-reared serval, Diablo. The cost is R250 and only those taller than 1.5m tall can participate.

A crèche of cuties is the other interactive option at Nambiti’s Le Sueur Cheetah and Wildlife Centre. Suitable for the whole family, a serval, Zulu the meerkat and cheetah cubs can be petted and played with.

This costs R200 and guests can get to know the animals for 45 minutes.

For further information on Nambiti Private Game Reserve visit the website at www.nambiti.com, phone Mariette on +27 36 631 9026 or contact her by email on mariette@nambiti.com

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