New song all about the girls!

Taragan “Tiger” Moodley. Picture: Supplied

Taragan “Tiger” Moodley. Picture: Supplied

Published Oct 28, 2022



LOCAL rapper Taragan “Tiger” Moodley has released his latest song, Girls.

Moodley, of Chatsworth, said he had a predominately male following and decided to cater to a female audience with this song.

“I decided to make a song for girls and about girls that was fun and happy, something to be celebrated,” said Moodley

“I did most of the production myself. I wanted an old school R&B feel.”

Picture: Supplied

Moodley, a qualified teacher, credits Eminem as the artist who made him realise his passion for rap. He started recording songs at home in 2010.

He then collaborated with singer Oli Milne, who featured on the song Hold On, which was featured on Lotus FM and Durban Youth Radio.

Moodley said he was inspired by rappers he could relate to but also enjoyed the soulful sounds of the1990s R&B.

In a previous interview with POST Moodley said: “As an artist, I’m always going to be a rapper but sound is a question of relevance i.e. being current and marketable and whether I want my songs to be heard, in the communal sense. That sometimes means rubbing shoulders with other genres. My song Can’t Stop, for example, is lyricism over soulful 90s R&B with a splash of Pop-Funk guitar and quirky flutes. However, you can’t define it as anything other than RAP - Rhythm. And. Poetry.

Picture: Supplied

“I grew up in a musical household. My late father played acoustic guitar and sang. He listened to and played a lot of Folk Rock: - Simon & Garfunkel, Don Mclean, Bob Dylan etc. I’m sure that influenced me to rhyme words at an early age. I received my first award for poetry at the age of seven years. In high school, once I had fully discovered Eminem and watched the movie 8 Mile, there was nothing else I wanted to be but a rapper,” said Moodley.

Moodley is also working on another song, Options, which he aims to release next month. “I also hope to release an album early 2023.”

His newest single can be found on streaming platforms such as Spotify, iTunes. A music video will be released on YouTube.


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