Outstanding achievements – DSP class of 2023 celebrates remarkable matric results

Tamara Redecker (left) obtained 10 distinctions and Mari Groenewald (right) obtained eight distinctions.

Tamara Redecker (left) obtained 10 distinctions and Mari Groenewald (right) obtained eight distinctions.

Published Jan 18, 2024


A remarkable display of academic prowess, the Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria’s (DSP) class of 2023 has achieved a 100% pass rate with 48 promising learners.

The accomplishments of this exceptional group extend further with a collective total of 109 subject distinctions, boasting an average of two distinctions per learner. Moreover, 47 of the graduates have earned the privilege of pursuing a Bachelor's degree and one candidate was awarded a diploma pass underscoring the commitment to academic excellence fostered at DSP.

One standout facet of the class of 2023 is the success of 14 learners who completed the German International Abitur, in conjunction with the National Senior Certificate (NSC), achieving an outstanding average score of 2.1. This internationally acclaimed university preparatory curriculum and diploma not only demonstrates the learners’ dedication but also highlights DSP's commitment to providing an academically exceptional and culturally rich multilingual education.

Isabella von Engel

Rooted in the esteemed German-education model, the German International Abitur emphasises the cultivation of independence, nurtures critical thinking skills, encourages proactive learning ownership and places a strong emphasis on developing creative problem-solving abilities.

DSP celebrates the class of 2023 for their academic accomplishments and embodying the school's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to excel on the global stage.

The remarkable success of these graduates serves as a testament to the exceptional education and supportive environment provided by DSP. Congratulations to the class of 2023 for setting new benchmarks in academic excellence!

The school congratulates its top achievers of 2023:

10 distinctions

Tamara Redecker (Kombi-Abitur)

The head girl of 2023, Tamara is also the proud recipient of the Hans Neitz Bursary for excellent academic achievement and exceptional service to the school community.

Zong-Han Tu

Eight distinctions

Mari Groenewald (Kombi-Abitur)

Isabella von Engel (Kombi-Abitur)

Zong-Han Tu NSC (IEB)

Seven distinctions

Younes Haddouti (Kombi-Abitur)

Kiyoshi Hertell-Moraloki (Kombi-Abitur)

Six distinctions

Catherine Gnoinski (Kombi-Abitur)

Svea Schütte (Kombi-Abitur)

Four distinctions

Rita Böhmer (Kombi-Abitur)

Theo Feucht (Kombi-Abitur)

Christian Lauterbach NSC (IEB)

Relebogile Mokoena NSC (IEB)

Three distinctions

Nina Groenewald (Kombi-Abitur)

Robyn May (NSC- IEB)

Two distinctions

Anja Wagner (Kombi-Abitur)

Miguel Keena NSC (IEB)

Masego Kgapola NSC (IEB)

Keratile Malapane NSC (IEB)

Reratile Malapane NSC (IEB)

Kgomotso Mongau NSC (IEB)

One distinction was obtained by three candidates in the Kombi-Abitur and 12 candidates in the NSC (IEB)

DSP, which offers tuition from three months to Grade 12, is independently rated as an international school of excellence. Young minds are prepared for a global future from an early age. Learners in the higher grades are continuously exposed to the challenges of tertiary education and the future. Teaching is guided by German, as well as South African, syllabi and prepares learners for the different school leaving certificates that can be obtained at the DSP.

A dual school leaving certificate is comprised of:

  • The German International Abitur and the NSC from the Independent Examination Board (IEB) called the Kombi-Abitur or;
  • The NSC from the IEB together with the German Language Diploma Level 2.

“The learners of 2023 have faced very definite challenges in their efforts to achieve the best of their abilities in these examinations. For many, the effects of distance learning and Covid-19 are still being felt. They spent, in effect, two years having to adapt to working far more independently than ever before. However, this has also been beneficial as they were forced to work within a set parameter and had to establish goals for themselves.

“This has clearly served as motivation. The class of 2023 adopted the slogan ‘the end is just the beginning’ at the start of the year. This was rather fortuitous, as they have shown that they are ready to face the future with the firm foundation provided by the DSP,” says Tanya Langley, NSC co-ordinator at the DSP.