The IFP says perpetrators must be punished after three female security guards were reportedly sexually assaulted in KZN

The IFP has spoken out about the fight against gender-based violence (GBV). Picture: File

The IFP has spoken out about the fight against gender-based violence (GBV). Picture: File

Published Nov 28, 2023


The IFP has spoken out about the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) after three female security guards are alleged to have been raped in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport offices in Merebank, Durban.

The party in the KZN Legislature, said perpetrators of GBV must be punished further pointing out that the fight against GBV must be a 365-day-a-year project, not only during 16 Days of Activism.

“We need a no-nonsense approach to deal with perpetrators of GBV and urge the courts to show no mercy to anyone found guilty of these horrific crimes. Regretfully, we have noted the increase in the numbers of repeat or habitual offenders of GBV. We plead with our justice system to be tough on repeat offenders, and for the Department of Correctional Services to exercise caution and vigilance when granting parole.”

The party further explained that the incident happened after the recent debate on Programmes aimed at Ending the Tragedy of Gender-based Violence and Femicide in our Lifetime, as highlighted in the 2023 State of the Province Address in the KZN Legislature, where the IFP stated categorically that it is against GBV, irrespective of who is involved.

“The IFP reiterates its call that our laws must have sharp teeth to bite. Crime is getting worse by the day, with no hope of abating. If the laws of the country are weak, brazen criminals will continue to terrorise communities with impunity knowing there are few, if any, consequences. Perpetrators of all the horrors are guaranteed their human rights as a point of departure when confronted by the law. If the crime and criminals are given too much leeway, then only the laws and criminals will see the light of the day, while citizens are left six feet underground. More resources must be deployed to eradicate crime.”

Head of department, Siboniso Mbhele accompanied by the Durban Region’s chief director, Muziwakhe Sithole and Metro Cost Centre manager Sizwe Mvelase, engaged with the Metro Cost Centre staff yesterday in the eThekwini region.

“We just discourage what happened it is not only a fight against women but it is a criminal fight against the department. So I have already spoken to SAPS and they are working on the matter,” said Mbhele.

The Star