The ANC will win with outright majority, says Mbalula

The African National Congress(ANC) Secretary General Fikile Mbalula. Picture: Itumeleng English/ Independent Newspaper

The African National Congress(ANC) Secretary General Fikile Mbalula. Picture: Itumeleng English/ Independent Newspaper

Published Mar 25, 2024


ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula told scores of his party supporters in the Eastern Cape that any party going against the ANC would die slowly.

Mbalula was making a reference to the newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK), which he said would eventually die just like Congress of the People (Cope).

Addressing ANC supporters during a campaign trail in the Eastern Cape at the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) Siyanqoba Rally at the weekend, the secretary-general said members of the ANC should not be shaken as the party would win the upcoming elections with an outright majority.

“Victory is certain, and there is no single detractor who will make us lose focus. The ANC belongs to the people of this country, and South Africans will deliver this victory. We will defend the gains of our freedom.

“Those who are trying to reverse implementation of progressive policies of the ANC that have transformed the lives of black people in this country will never win in this battle,” Mbalula emphasised.

He told supporters that the ANC was working to transform the economy in order to focus on increased industrialisation, jobs and opportunities for all.

Mbalula said the country had a choice to either transform or stagnate, adding that the country’s current economic model relied on exports and imports and has high levels of inequality, which stifled job creation and inclusive growth.

“We need a radical shift to broad-based industrialisation, employment and youth and women’s empowerment by 2030. We must balance market dynamics with state intervention to foster inclusive economic progress and address historical disparities.

“Over the next five years, we will advance industrialisation as a driver of economic transformation, with active support for localisation, and high growth and labour-intensive industries.”

Mbalula said the ANC-led government would make sure that it fixed students’ concerns, advising students not to listen to political parties that, according to him, did not have “ideas”.

He admitted that there was corruption taking place in NSFAS, saying that there were people ruining that establishment.

“We are going to fix NSFAS and resolve all its challenges. People who have been trying to destroy what we built for students of this country will face the consequences for their actions.”

Mbalula said South Africans loved the ANC, adding that as a movement they needed to work for people with honesty and transparency. He added that the renewal process required true leaders who were corruption-free.

“South Africans love the ANC; in return the ANC will continue to serve the people of this country and transform lives of all South Africans and build this great nation.”

The Star