Spicey Luscious is ready to spice up sex and intimacy guidance in a safe space

Spicey Luscious. Picture: Supplied

Spicey Luscious. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 19, 2024


Kgomotso Masela, affectionately known as Spicey Luscious, a sex and intimacy coach, makes a thrilling return to The Star’s annual Women’s Day event, joining a star-studded list of guests bringing an intriguing flair to this day.

This event will bring together women from various professions, offering a platform for networking and knowledge-sharing on their everyday encounters.

With some topics related to intimacy may be considered taboo, Masela has changed norms by setting up a platform where women can learn new things without feeling self-conscious.

As a result of her daring personality, Spicey Luscious, who is recognised as the finest reference for all things intimacy and sexual education, was one of the day's top highlights at the previous year’s event.

With more intriguing subjects to unpack, give-aways, and discounted prices on items, she says that this event will be especially thrilling.

“This year, people can expect me to cover the topic of spicing things up using AI, along with more tips on enhancing relationships with oneself or a partner. The ladies will also have the chance to see and touch the ‘goodies’, giving them a clear idea of what to expect when they get home. Of course, there will be give-aways and discounted shopping.”

Masela also hails the previous event, underlining how valuable it was and tackling a wide range of issues that affect women.

She further says the atmosphere was infectious and found that the audience's interest and excitement levels rose significantly when she brought up  ideas to spice things up.

“I must say, I loved the drinks on tap, the amazing food, the excellent service, and, of course, the always relaxed ambiance of Altitude Beach.”

According to Masela, taking part in a women’s event shows that their voices are valued and heard, offering a safe space free from judgement where they can share their struggles and triumphs.

“Such events are important because they educate us on practical ways to navigate our lives. Often, we learn more about the dangers than the benefits of things. These events provide practical solutions to everyday problems, especially when shared by other women, making the information highly relatable.”

Asked what Women’s Day mean to her she says: “Women’s Day, to me, represents the freedom to express ourselves fully and authentically. It signifies the freedom to be heard and to be considered as decision-makers both in South Africa and globally. It means recognising that while we may not possess the physical strength of men, we have strengths in other areas. Our nurturing nature is a key element of Ubuntu.”

On the subject of a “safe space” she says a safe space allows for self-expression without judgment, allowing open discussions about sexuality, and freedom to change body parts to suit individual needs without being shamed.

Women from all walks of life are invited to attend the event, which is scheduled on August 17 at Altitude Beach in Fourways.

Radio 2000’s DJ Nkosh, Enhle the Medium, Sister in Law Tebello, Dr Brian Monaisa, and host Unathi Nkayi are among the distinguished guests.

The Star
