Sandton City management acknowledges scuffle

Sandton City management has acknowledged the scuffle that took place at the mall on Saturday, but denied that there was an altercation. Photo: Supplied

Sandton City management has acknowledged the scuffle that took place at the mall on Saturday, but denied that there was an altercation. Photo: Supplied

Published Apr 9, 2024


Sandton City management has acknowledged the scuffle that took place at the mall on Saturday, but denied that there was an altercation.

The management added that the matter had been resolved amicably.

“Sandton City management confirms that there was no physical altercation. Security personnel approached the individual, after which the flag was placed on the floor.

“The individual was then asked again to fold up the flag and agreed to do so. Camera footage confirms the individual concluded by shaking hands with security personnel,” said the management.

The management’s version contradicts that of a witness, Ruth Oliphant, who was on the scene when the scuffle broke out.

She said she was appalled by the security officer’s behaviour, adding that it showed how intolerant some businesspeople were.

“I am honestly disgusted by the whole incident; I mean, we support these people with our hard-earned money and, the next thing, they treat us like garbage. We have different views as people, and everyone, who’s everyone would know what the Israel was doing was wrong,” Oliphant said at the time.

Despite the witness’s version, the management was adamant that there had been no altercation between pro-Palestine protesters and mall security guards.

“Sandton City is aware of the alleged altercation that took place on the premises following the protest outside the US Consulate, on Saturday, 6 April 2024. Upon reviewing security footage and consulting with security officers, Sandton City confirms that on Saturday, 6 April 2024 at approximately 16h42, an individual attempted to enter Sandton City without folding up his flag.”

This comes after The Star reported that the Sandton security officers had denied the pro-Palestinian protesters in Palestinian regalia entry to the mall.

The protesters were from a mass anti-genocide protest outside the American Consulate.

The incident caused political upheaval as the Al Jama-ah party, through its spokesperson Sinazo Mtshengu, condemned the Sandton City mall management’s behaviour, saying that they showed prejudice and acted with violence against civilians.

“We are noting that the mall had deployed a heavily armed security personnel to the peaceful protest at the US consulate … The peaceful protest wasn’t taken to the mall and was not on the mall’s property, rather the property of the consulate.

“Therefore, the military response of the mall and its security is questionable, as there was state trained security at the event itself in the form of the JMPD,” Mtshengu said.

The Al Jama-ah spokesperson said the manhandling of civilians who were denied access to the mall displayed the highest level of intolerance by the mall management.

“About three or four civilians, who were part of the protest, were denied access to the mall where they had parked their cars. They simply needed to walk through the mall to get to their vehicles, however, this was denied to them.

“We are extremely disappointed at the management of Sandton City mall, for undermining citizens and the constitutional democracy of the ‘new dawn’. We wonder if all customers are welcome to shop in Sandton City mall or are they at risk of being scrutinised and discriminated by rogue armed securities, resembling apartheid forces, deployed by the mall?”

At the time of the scuffle, former mayor of Joburg Thapelo Amad was in the vicinity and intervened.

The Star