Maimane’s Bosa is caught between the GNU and the opposition benches

Build One South Africa (Bosa) is still undecided on whether to join the GNU or sit on the opposition benches. Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers

Build One South Africa (Bosa) is still undecided on whether to join the GNU or sit on the opposition benches. Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 25, 2024


There is little to no time left for President Cyril Ramaphosa to announce his new national executive and most parties have decided their positions, either joining the Government of National Unity (GNU) or sitting on the opposition benches.

However, the stance of Build One South Africa (Bosa) remains undecided.

Bosa acting spokesperson Roger Solomons told “The Star” that the party is still weighing its options as to which faction it will position itself with.

“In light of this, Bosa has been engaging with parties to the GNU to ascertain the purpose, agenda and scope of such a government. It has become clear that these critical details have not been considered, never mind decided upon.

“Bosa holds a firm line on whether we join the GNU, or any other governing arrangement. We are not in principle against joining the national government. However, we cannot commit to or reject any GNU without knowing or agreeing to the actual agenda of said government,” said Solomons.

In the midst of Cabinet positions spats between the ANC and DA, both at national and provincial level – Gauteng – Solomons called for transparency between parties amid GNU negotiations, as it is a democratic right of the people.

“The new government has to be a values and delivery-based government. Not a patronage and power grab government that appears to be shaping up in the secretive meetings and negotiations currently under way. To date, 10 of the 18 parliamentary parties have agreed to join the GNU, of which Bosa is not one,” said Solomons.

In a previous interview with various media outlets, during vote counting at the results operation centre in Midrand, Bosa leader Mmusi Maimane had notified that his party was open to coalitions with parties whose vision aligns with Bosa.

“We will look into what coalitions look like. Our only demand is to fix Eskom and make sure all South Africans have a job, we must think of the 60 million South Africans and not politics,” said Maimane.

Solomons concurred with Maimane’s sentiments, noting that the Bosa caucus is open to engaging with parties that plan to execute a 10-point plan which seeks to counter the high unemployment rate by fostering a mixed economy, reform the basic education system, clean up corruption and stabilise Eskom and other state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

“We remain open to conversations with any parties who agree on a governance plan based on committing to non-racialism, upholding and defending the rule of law and strengthening parliamentary oversight over the executive and instilling ethical leadership in all spheres.

“This will require appointing the most suitable candidates to the five bedrock positions of finance, police and basic education ministers, including justice and public enterprises ministers.

“Bosa remains committed to playing our role in building one South Africa, which remains our north star whether in government or on the opposition benches,” said Solomons.

The Star