I’ve been silently suffering with an injury, says Tyla as she cancels tour to focus on health

Tyla. Picture: Supplied

Tyla. Picture: Supplied

Published Mar 7, 2024


Tyla Seethal, the Grammy Award-winning musician, has announced that her music tour has been cancelled, with health concerns being the primary cause.

Seethal took to Instagram on Thursday to inform her millions of followers worldwide that she has been silently enduring pain from an injury that has sadly got worse.

She claims that although she had high expectations going in to see doctors and specialists, the situation has only become worse, as has the pain.

In a statement, she said: “My Tygers, All of you know that this moment you have all helped me transform into a reality, has been a lifelong dream. I am so grateful and humbled by this post year and the way it’s changed my life I can never thank you guys enough for all your loving support, all the joy, the laughter, and the wins.

“As much as this is something I would rather have dealt with privately, it’s important that I share what I have to share with you today. For the past year I’ve been silently suffering with an injury that has tragically worsened. I’ve seen doctors and specialists with high hopes but the pain has only become more agonising as has the severity of the situation.

“I am absolutely heartbroken to have to say this but as of right now won’t be able to proceed with the tour. In consulting with medical professionals it’s become increasingly clear that continuing any festival or tour dates would jeopardise my long-term health and safety. Words cannot describe my frustration at this pivotal point in my career: So please know that my team and I are working diligently on a spectacular show for you as soon as I am recovered and ready to return safely onstage this summer.

“For North American headline dates, your tickets will automatically be refunded, for all other territories you will be contacted by your ticket provider regarding options, please keep a look out for new dates and information. Thank you Tygers for understanding.”

The Star
