IFP, ATM and EFF welcome 29 May election date

IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa. Picture: IFP/X

IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa. Picture: IFP/X

Published Feb 21, 2024


The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s public proclamation of this year’s election date.

There was rife speculation following Deputy President Paul Mashatile’s mentioning May 24 as the date which set tongues wagging.

In a statement sent shortly after Ramaphosa’s proclamation on Tuesday evening, the IFP said through its spokesperson, Mkhuleko Hlengwa, that the party and its election campaign committee were happy that Ramaphosa had finally confirmed the election date.

“The IFP welcomes, Wednesday, 29 May 2024, as the official date for the upcoming National and Provincial Elections as announced in a statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa this evening.

“The IFP views 29 May 2024 as a day of freedom for the country, to finally free itself from the clutches of an ANC government that has only delivered, poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment, and widespread corruption,” Hlengwa said on Tuesday.

Spokesperson in the Presidency, Vincent Magwenya, said Ramaphosa had also – in line with section 17(2) of the Electoral Act 73 of 1998 – consulted with the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) on the election date.

“Furthermore, the president convened a meeting with all nine provincial premiers and the IEC to discuss the state of readiness for the general elections,” Magwenya said.

Ramaphosa revealed that this year’s election will coincide with the country’s celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy, adding that he would like to see all eligible South African voters participate in the elections.

“Beyond the fulfilment of our constitutional obligation, these upcoming elections are also a celebration of our democratic journey and a determination of the future that we all desire. I call on all South Africans to exercise their democratic right to vote and for those who will be campaigning to do so peacefully, within the full observance of the law. We also urge unregistered voters to use the online registration platform to register,” said Ramaphosa.

The IFP has indicated that it will work tirelessly to win the elections to topple the administration of the ANC.

“The IFP National Campaign Committee will now streamline all our plans and programmes of action to ensure the IFP’s electoral support. We also encourage every South African to register to vote online – once the president promulgates the Election Day officially, the voters roll will close,” the IFP said.

Reacting to the announcement, the African Transformation Movement (ATM) said Ramaphosa’s announcement was a step in the right direction.

“As a party directly committed to fostering positive change and progress across our beloved nation, the ATM welcomes this announcement with great readiness. It aligns seamlessly with our steadfast dedication to upholding democratic principles and ensuring a fair and inclusive electoral landscape for all South Africans,” the ATM said.

The EFF said the elections are an opportunity for all South Africans to put an end to the misery we have suffered as a nation, under the incompetent, corrupt and misguided governance of the ANC for 30 years.

“The 29th of May 2024, officially marks an opportunity for our nation to achieve true freedom, which at the centre of it sits, economic freedom,” the party said.

The Star
