Gcaba family distance themselves from AKA murder

Gcaba family distance themselves from AKA murder. Picture: Armand Hough/Independent Newspapers

Gcaba family distance themselves from AKA murder. Picture: Armand Hough/Independent Newspapers

Published Apr 1, 2024


The Gcaba family have distanced themselves from the killing of rapper AKA and his friend and business partner, Tebello “Tibz” Motsoane, who were gunned down in February 2023 while visiting Durban.

This is as the murder trial continues at the Durban High Court following last week’s appearance of Durban businessman Mziwethemba Gwabeni, who is accused of masterminding the murders.

Last week, Gwabeni and four other accused appeared in court for their bail application.

Reports suggest that Gwabeni used his bank card to hire cars that were allegedly used to follow the rapper from the King Shaka International Airport to the hotel and to the Wish restaurant. He is alleged to have received R800 000 hours before the murders. He is alleged to have shared this among his co-accused after the job was done.

However, Gwabeni has claimed that the money was from a business transaction and that he paid his co-accused for previous work.

On Sunday, the family, through their spokesperson Jackie Shandu, said since the name of one of their siblings, Mfundo Gcaba, was mentioned in court in the murder trial, there had been speculation about the family’s involvement.

“In light of the recent developments and the allegations directed towards our brother, Mfundo, we wish to clarify that he is an adult and a successful businessman in various sectors. It is important to note that the financial transactions between him and Mr Gwabeni were purely for business purposes. Those numerous transactions over a long period of time can be verified through bank records and were neither unique or isolated,” Shandu said.

The family has indicated that the police were yet to approach Mfundo to take his statement after Gwabeni’s confession in court.

“We are concerned that the authorities have not yet approached Mfundo to share his side of the story. We believe in the principle of fairness and the right to be heard, and we urge that this opportunity be extended to him at the earliest convenience.

“It is crucial to understand that Mfundo has assured the family that he has no connections to any illegal activities, nor does he have any motive to engage in such,” the family said.

The matter was rolled over to Tuesday.

The Star
