Gauteng government ramps up efforts to curb STIs with free condoms

Gauteng provides free condoms for sexual health.

Gauteng provides free condoms for sexual health.

Published Mar 11, 2024


The Gauteng Department of Health wants to assure the public that male and female condoms are still available for free at a variety of locations, including universities, clinics, taverns, hostels, hospitals, motels, brothels, workplaces, primary distribution sites, and key population hot spots.

These facilities get condom supplies on a regular basis that corresponds with their storage capacity. Delivery can take place on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule.

The HIV/Aids, sexually transmitted infections and TB unit at the department strives to promote sexual health equity and decrease barriers to condom use by making condoms available at health clinics, community centres, educational institutions, and outreach programmes.

Non-profit organisations also play an important role in distributing condoms to the community, and they have focused on major demographic hot spots to guarantee that sex workers, drug users and men having sex with men have access to condoms.

Additionally, ward-based primary health outreach workers give out condoms to members of the public as part of their daily door-to-door visits.

According to department spokesperson Maeshela Maheya, active condom distribution is an important part of public health strategies. It promotes sexual health, prevents STIs and unwanted pregnancies, and allows people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

During the state of the province address debate, Health and Wellness MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko emphasised the department’s efforts to educate students on important topics such as teen pregnancy, family planning, suicide prevention, sexual behaviour, and sexually transmitted infections.

In response to the province’s recent spike in STI cases, the department has increased efforts to raise awareness about the necessity of condom use through public campaigns.

Maheya added that the public health team continued to conduct media interviews, share educational graphics on social media platforms, and organise educational programmes in schools and community centres. These initiatives target both young people and adults.

“Through the township, informal settlements, and hostel outreach programme, the department has increased the availability of condoms to ensure communities can access free male and female condoms in their neighbourhood,” Maheya said.

Facilities or institutions that would like to receive free condoms for distribution can contact Maeshela Maheya at 083 377 6186 or Sboniso Bhanyana at 067 690 3292.

The Star

Nobukhosi Tshabalala