Free State residents have been without electricity for four weeks, no water either

Free State residents have been without electricity for four weeks, no water either. Picture: File

Free State residents have been without electricity for four weeks, no water either. Picture: File

Published Feb 5, 2024


Maluti A Phofung residents in the eastern Free State are up in arms as the municipality has left them without electricity for four weeks.

Polediso Matshidiso from ward 15 told The Star on Monday that the “so-called leaders” in the municipality didn’t care about residents but themselves.

Matshidiso said in that four weeks, they have been without electricity and no one has bothered to come and ask how they were coping.

“We are literally on our own here. We vote and they meet, take a decision on our behalf, without even consulting us.

“There’s so much happening here: it’s electricity and water. These people are enjoying there by the municipality, deals are being made to secure the politicians’ future,” she said.

Papiki Khotso echoed Matshidiso’s sentiments by saying politicians in the area were only serving themselves.

Khotso said in the four weeks that they were without electricity, no one from the municipality came and checked out on how they were surviving.

“Our council doesn’t have any idea of when our problem would be solved, some of the workers you ask when we will get the new transformer, he just tells us soon.

“I for one, I am done with politics and politicians, because they all tell us the same thing, but fail when they must deliver,” added the community member.

Oupa Lekgoale (not real name), a municipal employee, told Independent Media that these were old challenges brought by the governing party that residents voted out, but was unfortunately returned through coalition.

Lekgoale said the very same mayor who was currently sitting in office in 2019 dismissed residents when they asked for JoJo tanks.

“Back in 2019, she told the community of Qwaqwa to voetsek when they were simply asking her when JoJo trucks were coming to give them water,” he revealed.

Lekgoale said the community was now expected to take matters into their own hands by marching to the municipality.

“As things stand, we don’t have protective gear, we don’t have tools of trade, hence you will find community members are complaining of service delivery not being rendered.

“It’s been full four years if not more that we are without protective gear. How do we then go out to attend the service delivery?”

Lekgoale revealed that to vent their frustration, residents decided to march once again to the mayor’s office to seek answers from her.

He, however, claimed that when residents were at the mayor’s office, she again repeated his remarks, telling residents leave.

When the publication contacted the municipality’s spokesperson, Thabo Kessah, for comment, he said he was not privy to the information, adding that he was also struggling to get hold of the ward councillor.

“I am trying to locate (the) ward councillor for a comprehensive report, but his phone is just ringing. He’ll also help with the allegation against the executive mayor, of which I am not aware.

“In the PPEs, we have a management meeting tomorrow morning and it’s part of the agenda, so will have a clearer picture after the meeting,” Kessah said.

The Star

Sipho Jack