Former ANC NEC member Carl Niehaus to formerly launch his NPO

MKMVA Carl Niehaus Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/African News Agency(ANA)

MKMVA Carl Niehaus Picture: Doctor Ngcobo/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Feb 20, 2023


Joburg - Former ANC NEC member Carl Niehaus confirmed today that the much-anticipated launch of the non-profit organisation (NPO) will be launched this week.

Niehaus said the NPO was set to advance the essential work of building a broad, united base for the advancement of radical economic transformation (RET).

“It is our pleasure to announce that the preparatory work that had to be done to formally launch the NPO throughout South Africa has been concluded, and we are now ready to proceed with the formal launch media conference of the organisation,” said Niehaus.

He revealed that extensive consultation with many South Africans, various progressive civil society organisations and political parties had been done, and he believed they had laid the foundation for the launch.

Niehaus said following the launch, additional engagements and consultations would take place.

“It is on the basis of these engagements and consultations that our Working Board has concluded on the final name and emblem of the NPO that will be launched. We are now able to proceed with a well-prepared comprehensive programme of action to roll out a mass-based people’s organisation that will be established throughout the length and breadth of our country,” Niehaus said.

He said the NPO’s guiding document was a “Ten Point Plan to Save the Nation”, which was the product of extensive consultation.

The plan is to expropriate land without compensation, reverse all privatisation of SOEs, nationalise SARB, build a state pharmaceutical company, stop coal exports and end load shedding, call up 18-year-olds to the National Service in the SANDF for skills training, a minimum living wage, special border policing to stop foreigners coming in illegally, hold a referendum on the death penalty and engage the BRICS for cheaper oil.

Niehaus said a more comprehensive document further explaining the Ten Point Plan would be part of the documents that they will release to the media this Thursday.

He said the final name and emblem of the NPO would be unveiled at the official launch media conference, together with the reasons why they have finally concluded on their specific name and emblem.

The official launch will be attended by the full Working Board.

“Our Working Board received numerous inquiries from progressive South Africans who are deeply concerned about the perilous State Of Our Nation, and who want to sign up as members. It is for us a source of excitement and pride that they will now indeed be able to do so,” he said.

The Star

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carl niehauspolitics