Sam Ditshego didn’t live long enough to see liberated Africa he fought so hard for

Sam Ditshego succumbed to Covid-19. File Picture.

Sam Ditshego succumbed to Covid-19. File Picture.

Published Oct 25, 2020


This was part of the speech delivered by Tebogo Brown at the funeral of the late Sam Ditshego.

The sudden death of Mr Samuel Mosalagae “Bra Sam” Ditshego upset a good part of Azania. It was so unexpected or worse it was not expected at all. Now or even later.

But what can we say; “when a man is great any death is untimely, even if he dies at the age 102”. I count myself among the truly blessed for I have had the opportunity and great privilege of engaging with Bra Sam, dean of African politics and history, prolific writer and scholar of note. It even feels like an honour to have had the opportunity to walk the planet with him in this day and time.

A very committed and loving father, grandfather and husband the man was, Bra Sam loved his family dearly. He never ceased to talk about his two beautiful granddaughters, Serati and Anaya.

He equally loved Africa and all things in it. He loved African people even more. This is demonstrated by the fact that he risked his whole life and gave up his youth to help Africa regain her former glorious self.

He was too quick to shoot from the lip whenever a radio host, guest and/or a listener missed a point on anything involving Africa and its people, locally and as well as in Diaspora.

His pen and typewriter never rested as his nature impelled him to immediate action, whenever he found that those entrusted with the authority to govern the nation were abusing their powers. He kept the government on its toes.

Captains of industry preferred to play or hang around a thorn tree than risk their false status and integrity by engaging him. I read much of his articles and surviving parts of his unpublished manuscript titled Africa’s Political and Economic Destiny and the International Money Power and I can say the man was never wrong.

Very accurate in his discussions. He always knew what he was talking about. Even his very most recent research, none has successfully challenged him. I thought I would quote some of his writings and share with you part of his teachings but I decided against that.

I wouldn’t want to get cut delivering my speech. My advice is go to the internet, read and save as much of his work before they take them all down. They are not safe over there. Failure to do this will be the real crime.

Just like one of his idols, Malcolm X, Bra Sam was very brave. He took on politicians, professors, journalists and anyone – black or white – who had the nerve to meet him.

He was respected by some and feared by others. A very beautiful shining star we have lent to the galaxy of history if you asked me. Uncle Sam might have not lived long enough to see a truly liberated Africa which he fought so hard for.

But we take comfort in the words of Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe The Great, “Africa never forgets”, and Bra Sam will be “remembered and honoured when Africa comes into her own”.

His style of writing was so beautiful, quite similar to that of that courageous woman of the early 1800s, Mrs Lydia Marica Child, whom he shared a very rare characteristic with. He had an inexhaustible faith that liberty and justice are worth fighting for and that they will ultimately prevail and he continuously acted on that faith, even when he did not know whether his actions would succeed.

Mr Ditshego tirelessly fought for Azania, his country of birth, and for the magnificent continent of Africa which was the very first to give the entire world a real civilization.

Blessed are those who got to share a moment with Bra Sam. Men of his calibre are born only once in a thousand years.

May his soul rest in peace. I will forever miss this gentle man.

Sunday Independent

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