Let’s hope Maluleke’s appointment as AG inspires leaders to deliver services and maintain clean audits

Tsakani Maluleke will do well as the Auditor General and will inspire the country to do better and in turn there will be better service delivery for all, says Motlalepule Rosho, MEC of Finance in the North West. Picture: Nokuthula Mbatha/African News Agency (ANA)

Tsakani Maluleke will do well as the Auditor General and will inspire the country to do better and in turn there will be better service delivery for all, says Motlalepule Rosho, MEC of Finance in the North West. Picture: Nokuthula Mbatha/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Oct 25, 2020


Motlalepule Rosho

The appointment of Tsakani Maluleke is a boost for women empowerment, it will inspire the country to do better for its people.

Chapter 9 institutions are critical vehicles that keep South Africa’s democracy on track and the office of the auditor-general (AG) is especially critical for ensuring that at a municipal, provincial and national levels, public spending and adherence to governance principles are prioritised.

While it has taken 26 years since the dawn of democracy for a female to be appointed Auditor-General, it is encouraging that Tsakani Maluleke will enable continuity – and her appointment will inspire the next generation of women leaders to continue striving to reach exciting heights in all facets of South Africa. For us as leaders – irrespective whether it is within a municipality or at provincial or national level – leading with integrity is key.

The spate of qualified audits for various municipalities, the challenges around procurement of personal protection equipment right up to some of the issues that are coming out of the Zondo commission of inquiry.

Generally, the message is that as leaders we need to be doing better to uplift all South Africans.

For leaders in government, we all need to remember that the promises of our respective political organisations to the voting public can only be fulfilled when there is a commitment to serving the country with commitment and excellence.

Section 151(2) of the Constitution is clear that both the legislative and executive authority of municipalities are vested in municipal councils, therefore, they must run their affairs in a responsible manner.

I trust that the new era of AG Maluleke will inspire government leaders at a municipal, provincial and national levels to do better in meeting their mandates of service delivery to all while maintaining clean audits.

Qualified audits have remained a challenge in a number of municipalities and the Finance Department is working studiously with the concerned municipalities to improve the situation.

Guided by the Constitution, together with the recommendations from the audit process, efforts are continuing to address a number of these challenges such as lack of financial controls and monitoring, lack of accountability, right up to lack of consequence management.

The North West’s Finance Department has continued its focus of moving municipalities in the right direction.

Continuing on the work started by AG Kimi Makwetu, our province will continue to implement financial discipline curbing wasteful or unauthorised expenditure.

The AG having served as the deputy for a number of years, will continue to drive strong accountability.

As a woman, leading a powerful institution that safeguards our democracy, AG Maluleke will be a positive role model who can inspire the development of young women.

It is pleasing to see that the ruling party and the opposition parties were all in agreement regarding her suitability to take up this challenging role.

AG Maluleke will do well, she will inspire the country to do better and in turn there will be better service delivery for all.

Good luck to her.

* Motlalepule Rosho is the MEC of Finance in the North West.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

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