Solidarity with the Muslim community

AN INTERFAITH iftaar held previously outside the Denis Hurley Centre in Durban.

AN INTERFAITH iftaar held previously outside the Denis Hurley Centre in Durban.

Image by: File

Published Mar 18, 2025


PEOPLE of different religious faiths will come together on Wednesday, and join the Muslim community as they break fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

The interfaith iftar will take place from 5.15pm in Paddy Kearney Way, outside the centre. Iftar is the evening meal that breaks the fast during Ramadan, the Islamic holy month.

At sunset, when there is the Muslim evening call to prayer, people of all faiths will join Muslims to break fast.

The annual interfaith iftar has been a tradition that started in 2015 by the Denis Hurley Centre. The centre is located between the Jumma Masjid (Grey Street Mosque) and the Catholic Emmanuel Cathedral.

Raymond Perrier, director of the centre, said the gathering is the deepening of mutual understanding.

"We need this especially in the world today. Muslims are observing Ramadan, Christians are observing Lent and the Hindus recently celebrated Holi. We want people of all faiths to come together, share their thoughts and explain their traditions.

"From 5.15pm everyone will gather and share their thoughts, at 6.05pm when we hear the call to prayer from the mosque, people who want to can roll out their mats and pray, then share dates as they break fast. Everyone will join together and share a meal," said Perrier.

He said they encourage non-Muslims to try and observe the fast for the day, by abstaining from any food or drinks from 4.39am to 6.11pm.

Perrier said they were expecting about 60 people, including some of the elderly from TAFTA, as well as religious leaders.

"During Ramadan and Lent there are three pillars, deepening your prayer, caring for the poor and experiencing some degree of denial. Lent it is self imposed, people can choose what pleasures they will abstain from for the 40 days, while during Ramadan it is dry fasting from sunrise to sunset.

"During both religious observances or traditions, people focus on helping those who don't have things," he said.

AV Mahomed, chairperson of the Jumma Masjid, said at a time when there is so much conflict in the world and people are in limbo, they would be lost if there was no humanity.

"We are all fragmented in different denominations, linguistic groups and beliefs. This is an opportunity for everyone to some together, as part of social cohesion, show mutual respect and humanity for each other. We hope communal living will spread. We all practise different rituals, speak different languages, follow different paths, but pray to one God," said Mahomed.

The Phoenix Spiritual Crime Prevention Forum will host iftar at the Aleemai Mosque in Esselen Crescent, Phoenix on Thursday at 5pm.

Moulana Tariq Mohamed, chairperson of the forum, said religious leaders of the different faith groups will join in the breaking of bread.

"We will begin by explaining the significance of the holy month of Ramadan and how it is observed.

"It is the forging of a bond of peace and giving commitment to the community of Phoenix, a  reassurance that all faiths can co-exist in multicultural societies. If we lead in prayer of religious tolerance, there will be a domino effect in society that people can create safe environments where everyone feels protected," said Mohamed.

He added that it was important to recognise that prayer must be the cornerstone and pillar that will address the root causes of crime in the community of Phoenix.


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