5 hilarious excuses for skipping gym and how to power through them

Published Jul 25, 2024


As Mzansi braves winter, the gym can seem like a distant, icy castle – an easy excuse to stay snug under layers of blankets.

We’ve all been there, conjuring hilariously creative reasons to skip our workout: “It’s too cold to get out of bed” or “I’ll start again next week when it’s warmer”.

But let’s face it: going to the gym isn’t just about sculpting abs or toning biceps anymore. It’s about embracing a lifestyle that nurtures body and mind even when the allure of a warm sofa beckons.

Trevor Lagerwey, Virgin Active’s head of athletic training, reveals five hilariously relatable reasons we use to dodge the gym and how to power through them anyway.

Hunt for parking

Finding parking will have you circling the gym lot like you’re auditioning for “Fast and Furious”. It’s a workout in itself. After 15 minutes of stalking, you might think: “Forget it, I’ve burnt enough calories driving in circles.”

Why go? Think about that fast and furious circling as you ramp up to your inevitable endorphin rush when the body’s natural feel-good chemicals kick in.

“During winter, when daylight is scarce and our moods start to dip, nothing beats the high of that endorphin-buzz as the ultimate mood-lifter.

“Want to level up your day? Work a little harder by not looking for that elusive front door spot, park further away, and walking that little bit further.”

Going to the gym is not just about showing winter who’s boss; it’s about rewarding yourself with a sense of accomplishment. Picture: Supplied

The lure of the luscious lounge pants

Who can blame us for feeling a tad lazy to swop those snuggly sweats for workout gear? It’s the ultimate battle of comfort versus cardio.

The thought of trading them for restrictive workout gear is enough to make you curl up on the couch with a tub of ice cream instead.

Why go? According to Lagerwey, there’s a real joy in pushing yourself and treating your body right. F

or many, it’s about that triumphant feeling of lacing up your sneakers while others opt for comfy sweatpants. It’s not just about showing winter who’s boss; it’s about rewarding yourself with a sense of accomplishment.

After a good workout, coming home to a cosy night feels even more indulgent.

Next time you lace up, remember you’re not just exercising – you’re celebrating your strength and setting the stage for a well-deserved evening of comfort.

The social media spectacle

The gym isn’t just about sweating it out anymore – it’s a full-blown social media extravaganza. From gym selfies to inspiring quotes and constant check-ins, it feels like everyone is crafting their own #FitnessGoals story online.

While scrolling through the digital jungle can be motivating, it can also create a sense of pressure. Who hasn’t hesitated to hit the gym, wondering if their workout will measure up to the glossy, filtered snapshots flooding their feeds?

Why go? Some refer to it as the social snowball effect, especially powerful in winter.

“We’re inherently social creatures and there is power in the camaraderie of shared experiences, finding someone with the same fitness goals and reasons as yours and the high-paced-high of group workouts.

“Whether for or against social media, sharing the experience with others not only builds a sense of community, but you might also find others on the same journey as you,” says Lagerwey.

The guaranteed awkward encounter

Lagerwey says gyms are magnets for awkward moments. Whether you’re adjusting weights, accidentally stealing someone’s spot or running into that awkward office acquaintance mid-change, cringeworthy scenarios are bound to unfold.

It’s tempting to skip the gym just to dodge the situations or avoid questions like: “How much can you bench?”

But here’s the kicker: awkwardness is part of any place where people willingly sweat it out. The secret? You don’t have to engage.

A quick nod, a dash to the weights or a polite gesture with your headphones can keep your workout drama-free.

The next time you fear a gym encounter, remember: a little finesse can turn awkwardness into a non-event, letting you focus on the gains without the small talk.

The equipment enigma

While easy for some, for others, they look like medieval torture devices that you need a degree to decipher. They fuel the desire to skip the fear altogether and rather master the art of lifting your remote control. It’s essentially a bicep curl, right?

Why go?

“Because everyone starts somewhere, and our key goal is to ensure that South Africans remember that our clubs are for everybody, and everybody.

“Our team members and our personal trainers are ready to guide you or you could just ask an eager-to-assist fellow gymmer. It takes just one or two sessions to find your rhythm and for the gymtimidation to subside, as you start to truly work on your reason for exercising.”

We know going to the gym is important for maintaining health and fitness goals but the fact of the matter remains – we all have an arsenal of reasons (hilarious or otherwise) that we come up with to not exercise and avoid that much-needed training session.

But sometimes, rising above those gives us a sense of accomplishment.