Tbo Touch on living a ‘bitter free, envy free and gossip free’ life

Veteran radio presenter and businessman, Tbo Touch. Picture: Instagram.

Veteran radio presenter and businessman, Tbo Touch. Picture: Instagram.

Published Aug 21, 2024


Veteran radio personality and businessman, Tbo Touch, recently shared insights into his intentional approach to life.

Touch took to social media to share an interesting video of American record producer, Quincy Jones, who talked about working on himself.

In the video, Jones, who was 85-years-old at the time, shared that he had been trying to get all negative thoughts “out of my body”.

Jones added that holding grudges and anger were a waste of time and cause more harm to the body than anything else.

“Amazing to get to 85 to figure that out, it’s pretty ridiculous, but you learn it from mistakes,” said Jones in the video clip.

Reflecting on Jones’s words, Touch wrote in the caption: “You create your own chemical imbalances in your body and mind by how you process emotions.”

He wrote that most people do not have the grace to make it to 85 like the iconic musician, so he had promised himself to “never hold a grudge against anyone”.

“I’m bitter free, envy free and gossip free. I want to spend the rest of my life learning, lecturing and loving.

“Yeah. there will be moments when one is tested but I will trust in my wisdom to handle the situation better. Make the next minute, hour and day of your life count. #whatatimetobealive,” he ended.

This is not the first time the media personality has shared insights into his life.

Back in June, Touch shared his thoughts on how he felt kids should be bought up after an encounter with his son.

The Metro FM presenter urged parents to be honest with their children at all times in order to prepare them for the “real world”.