University of Pretoria serves striking Nehawu workers court papers

Published Feb 24, 2024


The University of Pretoria (UP) has taken a firm stance against disruptions to its academic calendar and served striking workers affiliated with the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) with court papers.

University spokesperson Rikus Delport said the university had served striking workers with court papers to inform them of the desire to maintain order at the institution amidst the ongoing strike action.

Delport said the order sought to ensure that striking workers did not engage in certain activities that could disrupt the operations and safety of the university community.

These measures include restricting picketing activities to the demarcated area of the University’s Hatfield campus’ engineering gate, as agreed upon in the picketing rules, and nowhere else.

The intimidation of non-striking employees, replacement labour, or any other individuals has also been prohibited, as well as obstructing vehicles or traffic entering or leaving the university premises.

Workers are additionally not allowed anywhere within 100 meters from any entrance of the university campuses and, most importantly, are not to interfere with its operations, activities and academic activities.

“The university emphasises the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring the safety and security of all individuals on its campuses. It is committed to resolving labour disputes through constructive dialogue and within the framework of the law,” said Delport.

Workers at the university downed tools last week after wage negotiations between university management and the union’s negotiators broke down after the university allegedly offered a 4% increase.

The workers are demanding a 7% wage increase from the university as they said a mere 4% would not be enough given that this was well below the inflation rate.

The union said it would be taking its pleas to the Department of Higher Education should all else fail.

Saturday Star