The House of Truth

Published Mar 21, 2025


Ryan Fortune

ONE of the tragedies of religious thinking is that it stops one from thinking very deeply about the true origin of life on Earth. The Abrahamic religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam - all place it somewhere between six- and ten-thousand years ago when an omniscient God spoke the entire universe into existence over the course of just six days. 

On the sixth day, so the Biblical book of Genesis tells us, this God fashioned the first man, Adam, out of clay, removed one of his ribs, and created Eve, the first woman. He then gave them dominion over all living creatures and told them to populate the world.

Despite more than  200 years of archaeological discoveries that disprove this Creation Myth as just that - a myth, a fairytale - the vast majority of humanity still holds it as absolute truth. The latest finds at the Pyramid of Giza, however, might shake the myriads out of their mass delusion.

Using a new method of radar sensing, Corrado Malanga from the University of Pisa, and Filippo Biondi from the University of Strathclyde, have uncovered eight spiraling wells descending 648 meters beneath the Khafre pyramid at Giza, linked to two massive, cube-shaped structures spanning 80 meters wide. What are these structures? Who built them? And why have they remained hidden for so long?

The traditional story of the Egyptian pyramids is that they were built as tombs for pharaohs, constructed using massive limestone blocks hauled into place by thousands of labourers. Yet anomalies in pyramid construction challenge this narrative. The precision engineering, alignment to celestial bodies, and encoded mathematical constants - including Pi, the golden ratio, and even the speed of light - suggest an intelligence beyond what we have attributed to ancient Egyptians.

Erich von Däniken, author of Chariots of the Gods?, proposed decades ago that these sites could be remnants of contact with an advanced, possibly extraterrestrial civilization. He also pointed to the Nazca Lines in Peru, Easter Island’s Moai statues, and the impossibly complex ruins of Puma Punku in Bolivia, arguing that ancient humans lacked the technology to construct them. What if he was right?

The newly discovered deep spiral wells beneath Giza could be energy conduits, not unlike Tesla’s theories of wireless energy transfer. Could they have once powered an ancient civilization or even a lost technological grid spread across the planet?

One of the most radical - but increasingly plausible - theories is that modern Homo sapiens did not evolve naturally but were the result of deliberate genetic engineering conducted by advanced beings. This idea, central to the Ancient Astronaut Theory, suggests that an intelligence, perhaps the Annunaki, as described in Sumerian texts, intervened in human evolution tens of thousands of years ago.

The Annunaki, described as “gods” from the heavens, appear in the oldest written texts, the Sumerian cuneiform tablets. Some translations suggest they “created mankind” by altering the DNA of early hominids. Could the underground superstructures at Giza be part of this forgotten genetic experiment?

Mainstream historians dismiss the idea of lost civilizations predating Sumer and Egypt. Yet discoveries at Göbekli Tepe (Turkey, 11,600 BCE) and the ruins of Yonaguni (Japan, 10,000 BCE) suggest otherwise. Atlantis, described by Plato as a technologically advanced civilization destroyed in a cataclysm, may have been real, its survivors spreading knowledge across the world.

Engineer Christopher Dunn proposed that the Pyramids of Giza were energy generators, not tombs. His book, The Giza Power Plant, suggests the structures converted sound frequencies and telluric currents into usable energy, an idea that aligns with the latest underground radar scans.

Could the spiral wells beneath Giza be part of a forgotten energy system? If so, who built it? The Egyptian pharaohs. Or something far older?

Religious institutions and mainstream academia have dismissed alternative historical theories for decades. But discoveries like the latest one force us to question everything. If ancient civilizations had knowledge of genetic engineering, energy manipulation, and interstellar communication, where did that knowledge come from? And why was it lost?

Modern science is inching toward truths that ancient civilizations may have already understood. We have rediscovered CRISPR gene editing - what if someone else used it on us first? Quantum physics now suggests reality is fundamentally information-based, an idea echoed in hermetic and ancient spiritual traditions.

We have been conditioned since birth to believe that our civilisation is the first advanced one. But what if the pyramids, the underground labyrinths, and the forgotten structures hidden beneath the sands are remnants of a cycle that has repeated many times before?

The latest discoveries beneath Giza could be the first step in uncovering that hidden past. The real question is: Are we ready to confront it?

Ryan Fortune is a writer, thinker and builder of AI-powered web applications. He can be contacted via his email: