SAPS security Unit’rights trampled over by management

Minister of Police, Mr Senzo Mchunu Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspaper

Minister of Police, Mr Senzo Mchunu Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspaper

Published Aug 31, 2024


The SAPS guards working under the security unit are dissatisfied about their working conditions.

The guards said they were working under Public Act instead of police which prohibits them from being in possession of weapons.

A representative from the security officers, whose name is known to the publication, said they were employed under public act saying that the Act did not protect them but it was instead leaving them vulnerable.

“We are being told that we are under public act, but when they want to punish/ discipline our members they are using Police Act.

There are many things we are unhappy about, like the issues of promotion, that was none existent. A person can be hired today and that person would have the same salary as you, despite the number of years one has been in the security,” a representative exclaimed.

One of the things the security guards raised was the hierarchy at workplace saying they did not know who they were suppose to report to, adding anyone can just give them orders.

“We tried to raise these issues, and show them the inconsistency but we are being told if we want to leave we can leave.

Earlier last year they took some of us to the college in an attempt to shut us down, saying that the other group will follow. To date no one has gone to the college”.

Another source who also chose to remain anonymous told the publication they were expected to work in dangerous areas without proper resources.

“Among some of the buildings or site we are guarding are National Key Points, and we go there without firearms, what if something happens, how are we going to protect ourselves.

For example at Telkom’s towers in Pretoria, at night we often hear voices of people upstairs while we are downstairs, how on earth do we go up and investigate what’s going on,” asked a security guard.

SAPS spokesperson Athlenda Mathe failed to respond to questions sent to her.

Saturday Star