Four reasons to unplug and read a paper book

This week’s World Book Day was celebrated and centred on the theme ‘Read Your Way’, calling on everyone to let go of pressure and expectations, giving children a choice – and a chance – to enjoy reading. Picture: Supplied.

This week’s World Book Day was celebrated and centred on the theme ‘Read Your Way’, calling on everyone to let go of pressure and expectations, giving children a choice – and a chance – to enjoy reading. Picture: Supplied.

Published Apr 23, 2024


THE NATIONAL READING Survey shows more than half of South African adults still live in households without literature and this is not improving. It says about 65% of children turn 10 years old without having a picture book in their homes.

“This is a devastating statistic,” said Jane Molony, executive director of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa), an association that promotes the use of paper for communication, packaging and also books and print media.

The survey found that 77% of adults who live with children believe that it is important for children to read in print and not on cellphones or digital devices.

While digital reading is widespread, especially among young people (under 35), and offers opportunities for free reading material distribution, there is still a place for the printed word, says Pamsa.

“We certainly do not advocate that reading on paper and print should be seen as a competitor to reading on screen, but digital books should not be a replacement for the accessibility of printed reading materials. We believe that paper-based books are important for early readers,” Molony said.

She said little books in little hands can open a whole new world for children which is why initiatives such as Book Dash and Nal’ibali are making great strides to provide books for young children.

Book Dash publishes printable open source books on their website for free. “It’s a convergence of both worlds, allowing anyone to read, download, print, and share the books,” Molony says.

Nal’ibali encourages reading as a daily activity. Operating in seven provinces, it provides free online audio stories and story books to children in all 11 official languages and Braille.

There are several reasons why paper books are good for us, and this extends beyond text or images on a page. According to Pamsa, here are four reasons why paper books should still have a place in our homes and schools.

There is an unmatched physical response to holding a book, turning its pages, and feeling its weight. This can create a deeper connection with the content, especially when children engage with picture books. In turn, this enhances the reading experience, making it fun and appealing.

Reading for meaning is a critical development milestone. According to the National Reading Survey, less than 20% of Grade 4 learners (about 10 years old) can’t read for meaning. Research suggests that reading from paper encourages better focus and comprehension compared to reading from screens. Without digital distractions, flipping through paper pages can help readers maintain concentration and retain information more effectively as they create a visual map of what they have read or where on the page they read it.

In an era dominated by screens, opting for paper books can help us “unplug” from digital devices. Reading from a printed page reduces eye strain and exposure to blue light, promoting better sleep and well-being, when reading before bedtime.

There is a special sentimentality to paper books. Whether it’s a cherished childhood story, a gift from a loved one, or a well-worn favourite, books are memories. For avid readers and collectors, there’s a special pleasure in building a physical library, a display of tangible reminders of literary journeys and personal milestones. Printed books can also be shared with family and friends.

“While digital formats offer convenience and accessibility, paper books give us a richer experience that many of us still find irreplaceable,” Molony said.

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