How to get the ideal price for your rental property

Published Dec 19, 2020


In previous years landlords were able to name their rental prices and still have an abundance of tenants vying for their properties.

Their properties were filled quickly and years of

rental price

escalations followed.

But this is no longer the case due to an oversupply of

rental properties,a struggling economy that’s

reduced rental affordability, and a pandemic that’s further exacerbated these dynamics.

Landlords are undoubtedly under pressure to reduce their

“Post your listing at your researched price and see how many prospective tenants respond,” he


Landlords must be sure to include beautiful photos showing every room and any outdoor areas, a

detailed description and clear contact details in your listing.

“Typically, if you haven’t had more than five responses and a couple of viewings booked in the first

week, this is a sign that your property may be overpriced. Act swiftly to adjust your price and do so

in large enough increments. Remember that the earlier you list your property, the more time you

have to adjust before the required occupancy date.”

Step four: Reassess your costs

Landlords struggling to find reliable tenants at their preferred rental prices will need to find ways to

lower their price. To do this, they should ask themselves the following questions:

Does the interest rate change allow you to pay less on your bond? Could you refinance your

mortgage? If not, how much could you afford to self-finance each month in case the rent

doesn’t quite cover the bond?

Do you have access to funds to self-finance your bond in the event of vacancy while you wait

for a tenant who can afford the full price?

“Work through these questions to establish the minimum price you can afford to charge, bearing in

mind that it may only be temporary: by the time this lease is up, the situation may have stabilised in

your favour again.”

Step five: negotiate

If a prospective tenant wants to negotiate the rental on a property that is already near or at the

lowest prices it can go, Shaw says landlords could offer them other concessions to “sweeten the


For example, there might be some maintenance or upgrades that the tenant would like done before

moving in.

“Wi-Fi is a big deal to many tenants, so you could offer to make the property fibre ready.

Consider allowing for an additional couple of days before the month starts, so they can use the weekend to move in. Although these are costs, at least they are only once-off costs in exchange for a steady income.”

A recent survey by HouseME reveals that tenants are “extremely sensitive” to upfront costs such as deposits and agency fees, he adds.

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