HERITAGE Stories: Chantal Botes

Published Sep 26, 2020


Our heritage – the way we grow up and the homes that we live in – often influence the property decisions we make in our futures. Things we loved about our childhood and family homes will probably be carried through into our own homes and families one day, while those we did not enjoy will be avoided. We asked

Chantal Botes, Property Professional for Lew Geffen Sotheby's International Realty in the Winelands, Western Cape

, how her home and ideas about property have been influenced by her heritage and how she honours her roots in her adult life.

What lessons have you learned about property from your parents/ grandparents?

I grew up in a traditionally Afrikaans home and my grandparents and parents believed it was important for a young person to become independent and move into their own home as soon as possible. They believed owning your own property was a way of providing security so, ideally, you would be in a position to own a home by the time you got married or started a family.

Because of this strong belief, parents and grandparents would, if possible, contribute towards the deposit in order to help you on your way.

"My family believed owning your own home was a way of providing security so, ideally, you would be able to own property by the time you married or started a family. And they would, if possible, contribute towards your deposit."

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How has your family home influenced the type of property you live in or want to live in?

When we were growing up, our parents and grandparents regularly invited friends and extended family over and there were always wonderful meals prepared for the occasion. So, it was important that a house had a large, well-equipped kitchen with space for a table and chairs because it was the heart of the home where everyone gathered, whether for Sunday lunch or tea and biscuits.

A swimming pool was also a big drawcard because in summer most of the entertaining would take place around the pool. My family home reflected our history with photographs and handed-down, precious items. Today, my home is decorated much the same way, and includes a copper vase I inherited.

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