4 tips to help you determine the best insurance for you and your car

Car owners that are shopping around for insurance should should look for an insurance provider that best suits their needs. Picture: Rawpixel/Freepik

Car owners that are shopping around for insurance should should look for an insurance provider that best suits their needs. Picture: Rawpixel/Freepik

Published Dec 2, 2022


Car insurance is not a one-size fits-all solution because of the manner in which insurers profile customers.

The risk profile that insurers compile takes into account a number of attributes including age, the residential area where the customer lives and gender, among other things.

Due to each car insurance cover being different, customers should know that there are options that allow them to qualify for premiums that mirror their profiles as individuals.

Below is a look at what you need to keep an eye out for, when looking for insurance that best suits you and your car.

Ensure that your insurance provider embraces the digital migration

In this day and age, it is virtually impossible for insurance providers to offer their best service without adding technology to the mix, according to Keletso Mpisane, head of MiWay Blink.

Mpisane said: “Technology in motor insurance is now a must-have and how it is used by insurers can improve the customer’s experience. This can include available digital technology as simple as an app.”

Pay less for driving less

If people are working from home then they are probably not driving as frequently as they used to.

People should keep a look a out for or switch to an insurer that bases their monthly insurance premium amount on how much they drive during the month.

This will allow people to save money on the cost of insuring their car.

Review your insurance policy

People should review their car insurance policy to ensure that it meets all of their requirements, according to Mpisane.

Having an understanding of how premiums are calculated helps in the process of reviewing your car insurance policy.

Some people prefer to pay a lower monthly premium and choose to pay a higher excess if they claim while others choose a lower excess so they will have pay a higher premium every month.

Mpisane said: “It is advisable to check if your car insurance policy meets the industry standards while accommodating your budget as much as possible, so you can get the best insurance deal for you and your car.”

Check out insurance review sites

Ensure that the insurance provider that has been selected has open communication channels if there are queries related to the insurance product that has been purchased.

Insurance review sites are great resources for people to use to research service offerings because they have comments and reviews from customers, which adds to their credibility.

“This is the best way to find out what other people say about the claims process; about whether the insurer is quick to pay or whether they tend to reject claims; about the application process and other services linked to the product you would be buying,” Mpisane said.

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