Women’s Month: Meet the SAPS officer who brought home the gold in the Combat Rifle Championship

Published Aug 18, 2022


Cape Town – This is the police captain from Worcester in the Western Cape who won a gold medal at the international Combat Rifle Competition.

Captain Ronelle Alberts, 47, stationed as a sector manager in Worcester, showed just what women are made of when she took down a competing team from the Netherlands at the international competition which took place on Saturday, August 13.

Alberts, who was an ambassador for the SAPS, was commended by the provincial police commissioner, Lieutenant General Thembisile Patekile, for her amazing achievement.

According to the provincial police spokesperson, Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi, the police captain took part in the National Combat Rifle Competition which took place from August 8 – 13 at the De Brug rifle range in Bloemfontein.

“The National Combat Rifle Competition saw the inclusion of a female competitor as a member of the national team.

“The contestants were exposed to extreme weather conditions and intense competition, where males and females were treated equally. The competition is marked by extreme testing of fitness levels, concentration, accuracy, camaraderie and faith,” Swartbooi said.

Alberts has 18 years of experience in combat shooting.

“Captain Alberts stayed calm and focused throughout the strenuous competition she endured from her male counterparts and ensured that she obtained a good score, despite minor challenges that could have had an impact on the final results,” Swartbooi said.

He said her courage and dedication were rewarded when Alberts was decorated with a several medals at the national competition, which paved the way for her receiving the gold medal for the national team on Friday, August 12, at a gala event hosted at Bobby’s Park in Bloemfontein.

Alberts attended her first international competition the following day and emerged victorious.
