Weekly enforcement operations sees 18.2% of arrests for drunk driving in Cape Town

Concerns raised as City of Cape Town enforcement agencies sees an increase in drunk drivers. File Photo: Matthew Jordaan

Concerns raised as City of Cape Town enforcement agencies sees an increase in drunk drivers. File Photo: Matthew Jordaan

Published Apr 12, 2022


Cape Town - The City of Cape Town is concerned as the Easter weekend looms and the number of drunk driving cases rise.

During its weekly enforcement operations, of the 340 arrests made by the City of Cape Town’s enforcement services in the past week, 62 or 18.2% were for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Of those arrested, 35 were arrested at two separate roadblocks.

Mayoral committee member for safety and security, Alderman JP Smith said the plea for motorists not to drink and drive seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

“The statistics don’t bode well, particularly in the run up to Easter and for the long weekends that follow.

“Out of the 52 people arrested by traffic officers alone during the week, 40 were for drunk driving.

“While this time of year is notorious for its high traffic fatality rate, we are determined to do whatever is needed to keep it low,” Smith said.

He has also warned drunk drivers and anyone who flouts the law that action will be taken.

Smith said he was glad the drunk drivers who were caught were taken off the road, and further stated he was dismayed by motorists who drive drunk and have total disregard for life.

On Saturday, 20 people were arrested for drunk driving during a Metro Police operation.

He said during the operation, officers noticed a vehicle which ran a red light on the corner of Station and Van Riebeeck Roads in Kuilsriver.

The driver collided with another vehicle and was arrested for driving under the influence, reckless and negligent driving as well as resisting arrest.

“This driver proves drunk driving is never a good idea. He showed impaired judgement by fleeing, he caused an accident even though no one was injured, and he was still arrested and now has several charges against him,” Smith said.

An operation held in Atlantis on Sunday by the Traffic Service led to the arrests of 15 drunk drivers.

“The action was taken after complaints by the public of unroadworthy vehicles used for spinning and popping,” Smith said.

The same operation resulted in 20 vehicles being suspended for unroadworthiness and Traffic Services issued 1 175 fines for speed offences on Otto du Plessis Drive, 862 speed offences were recorded along the West Coast Road and 226 speed offences along Dassenberg Road.

In the past week, Metro police also managed to arrest 144 people, issue 4 080 traffic fines and 504 by-law fines.

Law enforcement officers arrested 144 suspects of which 100 were for the possession of drugs.
