Man abandons suicide attempt in Joburg CBD after negotiation with cops

JMPD officers, supported by the man's sister and a pastor managed to negotiate with a suicidal man to abandon his plans in the Joburg CBD. Photo: JMPD

JMPD officers, supported by the man's sister and a pastor managed to negotiate with a suicidal man to abandon his plans in the Joburg CBD. Photo: JMPD

Published Nov 11, 2022


Pretoria - A timely intervention by members of the Johannesburg metropolitan police department saved a man’s life after he had tried to commit suicide in the city centre.

JMPD spokesperson Xolani Fihla said the man, who was on the edge of a high-rise building, was convinced to abandon his plan after officers negotiated with him, assisted by his sister and a pastor,

“The Johannesburg metropolitan police department operations assisted in rescuing a young man who was attempting to commit suicide in the Johannesburg CBD,” said Fihla.

“On Thursday 10 November 2022, whilst on patrol, officers heard people screaming at the corner of Kruis and Lillian Ngoyi streets. Officers alighted out of the patrol vehicle to investigate what was the cause of the hysteria. Upon close observation, officers noticed a young man on a ledge on top of a building attempting to jump.”

JMPD officers, supported by the man's sister and a pastor managed to negotiate with a suicidal man to abandon his plans in the Joburg CBD. Photo: JMPD

Fihla said officers rushed to the security personnel of the building and were shown the way upstairs.

“They managed to get up the stairs to the top of the building where they talked and negotiated with the young man while waiting for backup,” he said.

“The young man's sister was contacted and officers continued to implore him not to jump until his sister came. The sister arrived, accompanied by a pastor and they managed to convince him not to commit suicide.

“The young man eventually descended from the ledge and he received the necessary help from his sister and pastor,” said Fihla.

Earlier this year the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that around 11 people per 100 000 a year died by suicide in the African region, higher than the global average of nine per 100 000 people.

The organisation last month launched a suicide prevention campaign in Africa.

“This is due in part to insufficient action to address and prevent the risk factors, including mental health conditions which currently affect 116 million people, up from 53 million in 1990,” said the WHO.


Not coping? Contact SA Depression and Anxiety Group’s Suicide Hotline on 0800 567 567 or its 24-hour hotline on 0800 456 789