WATCH: Man with '#ZumaMustFall' tattoo has renewed hope

Published Feb 25, 2018


DURBAN - The Durban man who went viral on social media last year with his bold black and red ‘Zuma Must Fall’ tattoo is set to alter the permanent mark to one that incorporates the Freedom Charter statement ‘South Africa belongs to all’.

Jason Barber, 29, ran out into the streets of Sunningdale, Durban North, where he lives and screamed with joy when the former president announced his resignation late on Valentine’s Day.

Jason Barber, 29, inked a 'Zuma Must Fall' tattoo on his arm last year in his persistence to have former President Jacob Zuma removed from office. Picture supplied.“Our country had a horrible time because of Jacob Zuma and the issues around him, like the arms deal and Khwezi, he was a constant presence that brought the country down. He did do good for the country but this was outweighed by the bad,” said Barber.

Barber is formerly from Gauteng, had protested alone in front of the ANC headquarters in Durban the week before the nationwide ‘Zuma Must Fall’ marches on April 7.

“Pravin Gordhan had just been fired as finance minister and it was ridiculous. I stood outside the ANC’s headquarters and protested until they chased me away. This ultimately led ideas of a mass march,” he said.

The 'Zuma Must Fall' tattoo on Barber's arm. Picture supplied. Following the national marches, Barber took South Africans by surprise with his devotion to the campaign with a bold ‘Zuma Must Fall’ tattoo, even getting threats on social media.

He went live on Facebook while getting ‘inked’ with his new tattoo.

“It’s not just a status but a constant message. Our constitution had been violated and South Africans, through the marches, were saying enough is enough. It took this collective action to get him out,” he said.

Barber is set to change the ‘Fall’ in his tattoo to ‘all’, and incorporate the message ‘South Africa belongs to all who live in it, united in our diversity’ over the current tattoo which he said would give a symbolic meaning that the former president is in the past, and the country is looking to a brighter future.

Barber said: “My mother always envisioned Cyril Ramaphosa becoming president so I pictured him as a leader. He also assisted in moving our country towards democracy. Now, when you see him in parliament he speaks with respect and understand the responsibility of his position.”

WATCH: ‘Zuma Must Fall’ tattooed man describes his new hope for South Africa

The Durban man who inked a 'Zuma Must Fall' tattoo on his arm last year has renewed hope for the country.

Video: Karinda Jagmohan


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