Children’s Hospital Trust aims to raise R100K to strengthen child protection services

File picture: Supplied

File picture: Supplied

Published May 30, 2023


Pretoria - The Children’s Hospital Trust will be aiming to raise R100 000 towards an R8.9 million project to strengthen child protection services at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

The trust said the initiative formed part of its efforts to highlight Child Protection Week this year.

The Cape Town hospital said the funds will go into helping vulnerable children who have experienced violence, neglect and abuse.

“For a moment, imagine a child living in an informal settlement going to a communal toilet on their own during load shedding at night. It is completely dark with no lights at all, and the toilet is several metres away from their home. This child is at risk of being attacked and raped,” said Children’s Hospital Trust spokesperson Zodidi Dano.

Dano said that in 2019, between 600 and 700 child protection cases were referred to the hospital’s social work department.

“One in three are cases for severe physical abuse or neglect and one in six are cases of sexual assault.”

Dano added that the five-year child protection project will see a dedicated team work on improving the co-ordination and effectiveness of child protection care when they come to the hospital.

Associate Professor and Head of Clinical Unit at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Heloise Buys, highlighted the importance the child protection project.

“We have a moral and ethical responsibility to all our children to ensure that we prioritise their wellness and safety, and we must live up to our promises of promoting and protecting their rights. After all, the Bill of Rights and the South African Constitution enshrine their protection.

“We must ensure that abused children achieve their developmental potential in a safe and loving manner. If we fail, the cost to society will be immeasurable,’’ she said .

She added that the Children’s Hospital is an inclusive and fully effective children’s institution, which not only provides physical healing, but also focuses on the mental health aspects by ensuring professional counselling for abused children and their families.