Portfolio Committee on Education welcomes additional budget allocation for schools

Portfolio Committee on Education welcomes the additional budget allocated in the Education Sector

Portfolio Committee on Education welcomes the additional budget allocated in the Education Sector

Image by: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers

Published Mar 14, 2025


The Education Portfolio Committee has welcomed the budget allocated for the Education Sector. Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, announced during his budget speech this week that R19.1 billion extra will be allocated to keep approximately 11,000 teachers in the classroom.

An additional R10 billion has also been allocated for Early Childhood Development, increasing the subsidy from R17 to R24 per day for each child. The minister said the extra funding will support increased access to ECD for approximately 700,000 more children up to the age of four.

“Learner-teacher ratio remains higher than we would like, meaning that we still need more teachers in classrooms,” said Godongwana.

Provincial education departments across the country have faced significant strain due to budget cuts. The cuts have frozen staff recruitment and forced schools to operate with fewer teachers. The Western Cape Government planned to dismiss 2,407 teachers due to a staggering R3.79 billion shortfall in the education budget.

Meanwhile, the KwaZulu Natal government also reported that 19,000 teaching posts were at risk due to potential cuts.

The Chairperson of the Education Portfolio Committee, Joy Maimela, also explained that since the start of the 7th Parliament less than a year ago, the committee has visited several provinces and also engaged with all provincial education departments, and one thing that came out clear across the board is funding.

Maimela stated that some provincial education departments indicated they had to cut many posts due to a lack of funds.

“We urge that, with the new allocation, posts will be filled so that quality education can take place,” said Maimela.

Maimela also welcomed the allocation for ECD and said the R24 per child per day is a big improvement in the current economic environment. She emphasized that this investment is crucial for laying the foundation for future leaders and that the allocation of funds to education is the key to uplifting the community.