‘You can go to hell’: Malema responds to Sadtu, Cosatu over voting process remarks

EFF leader Julius Malema is encouraging members to be party agents at each voting station across the country. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers

EFF leader Julius Malema is encouraging members to be party agents at each voting station across the country. Picture: Timothy Bernard / Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 15, 2023


Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema has responded to Cosatu and the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu) for calling on him to withdraw and apologise for his comments about the IEC elections.

“You can go to hell; you can't do anything with all your affiliates combined. We don't want Sadtu members to be staff members of the IEC, and for that, we won't apologise or withdraw,” Malema said on X, responding to Cosatu’s tweet.

This is after Malema urged the EFF supporters not to allow any Sadtu member or trade unions affiliated with the ANC to be election officials in the IEC.

He made the remarks at the Ground Forces Forum over the weekend.

Sadtu called on Malema to apologise and withdraw the allegations against its members. It has also invited its members to come on board to ensure that the 2024 elections were conducted freely and fairly, following the rules of the electoral system.

However, despite Sadtu encouraging its members and other trade union members to avail themselves to serve their nation as election officers and to ensure a free and fair election. It has also directed its structures linked up with the ANC or alliance partners to mobilise people to register to vote this weekend and get ready for next year's elections.

“Our PECs / RECs and BECs are advised to link up (plug in) with respective African National Congress (ANC) and other alliance structures (support/ take part in election programmes) at Provincial, Regional/ District, and Branch/Ward Levels as they mobilise and encourage all South Africans (students turning 18 years of age) to register to vote in the National and Provincial Elections taking place in 2024,” said in a letter sent to its members dated November 10.

The IEC denied that it was hiring only Sadtu to work during the voter registration weekend and elections.


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