Rise Mzansi receives R16.7 million in funding with Oppenheimer pumping in most of the money

Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi had saod they were going to declare their funders. Picture: Timothy Bernard/Independent Newspapers

Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi had saod they were going to declare their funders. Picture: Timothy Bernard/Independent Newspapers

Published Feb 18, 2024


Rise Mzansi declared that it has received more than R16.7 million in funding since it was formed last year and Rebecca Oppenheimer pumped in most of the funds to the new party.

Oppenheimer has previously funded the Democratic Alliance (DA) and ActionSA.

Out of the R16.7m that was donated to Rise Mzansi since it was formed, Oppenheimer has given the party R15m.

Rise Mzansi said Main Street gave it R1m and the rest was donation in-kind by InJozi Design and Kairo Communications, who contributed R160,000 and R559,000 respectively.

Oppenheimer, who is the granddaughter of mining magnate Harry Oppenheimer, has over the last few years been donating to the DA and ActionSA.

Rise Mzansi leader Songezo Zibi said last year that they will declare their donors in public before the elections.

The party over the weekend confirmed that it has received R16.7m from four donors since it was formed in April last year. It said it did not accept donations from just anyone.

“We also do not accept donations where we suspect the finds may be the proceeds of crime; or where prospective donors want to unduly influence our policies, politics and decision-making processes,” said Rise Mzansi chief organiser Makashule Gana.

“All our existing donors support us because they believe in our commitment to build a safe, prosperous, equal, and united country, where people live in happiness and dignity, in one generation. They also accept the conditions set out above.”

The party said the election campaign would require huge resources and the party relies on individual donors to support them.

However, with parties represented in parliament they get finding from the Electoral Commission of South Africa.


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