Ramaphosa to join Gaza peace talks in Egypt

President Cyril Ramaphosa will travel to Egypt to attend the peace summit. File Picture: Kopano Tlape/GCIS

President Cyril Ramaphosa will travel to Egypt to attend the peace summit. File Picture: Kopano Tlape/GCIS

Published Oct 20, 2023


President Cyril Ramaphosa will travel to Egypt to join the peace talks on the Gaza conflict that has left thousands of people dead.

Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the president has been invited by Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to attend the peace talks in the capital of Cairo on Saturday.

Magwenya said South Africa has been calling for the ceasefire in the conflict.

Israel has been engaged in a fierce battle with Hamas for two weeks.

US President Joe Biden was also in the Middle East this week where he met with various leaders.

Magwenya said South Africa has always maintained its willingness to be part of peace efforts in the region.

Ramaphosa will be in Egypt to join the Cairo summit peace talks.

“The summit will discuss the ongoing escalation of the conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip, the urgent need for humanitarian support and make a call for the resumption of the peace process.

“President Ramaphosa has been deeply concerned by attacks on civilians, the resulting enormous loss of life, displacement of people and the humanitarian crisis that has engulfed the Gaza Strip.

“South Africa has repeatedly called for the immediate cessation of hostilities, return of hostages and the urgent opening of humanitarian corridors. South Africa stands ready to join the global effort that will bring about lasting peace to the Middle East,” said Magwenya.

Ramaphosa has said South Africa has been part of peace efforts across the world.

