Public sector unions strike that caused huge disruption ends after deal reached

Following a threat to hospital staff and patients at Thelle Mogoerane hospital by striking Nehawu members last week, SANDF had been deployed, along with the SAPS and Metro police to beef up security and give a hand with patients there. Wits medical school students were also seen at the hospital. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

Following a threat to hospital staff and patients at Thelle Mogoerane hospital by striking Nehawu members last week, SANDF had been deployed, along with the SAPS and Metro police to beef up security and give a hand with patients there. Wits medical school students were also seen at the hospital. Picture: Timothy Bernard/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Mar 15, 2023


The Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council has announced that the strike in the public sector has ended after reaching an agreement with the unions.

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers Unions (Nehawu) has been on strike since last Monday leading to massive disruption of services in hospitals and other government departments in the country.

President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Joe Phaahla have condemned the conduct of members of the unions who were causing disruption in hospitals.

The government had also gone to court to seek an interdict against the striking employees.

But the strike came to an end on Wednesday after an agreement was reached at the PSCBC.

Secretary-general of the PSCBC Frikkie de Bruin said this was a breakthrough.

“The robust discussions and engagements continued through the weekend and culminated in a settlement agreement for the facilitation process,” said De Bruin.

The breakthrough came after Nehawu, Denosa and Popcru and Sapu had discussed the matter.

The workers are expected to return back to work in the next 24 hours.

Du Bruin said there were issues that were agreed on with the unions and some of the remaining matters would be finalised during the 2023/24 wage negotiations.

“This agreement serves as the conclusion of the dispute between parties and initiates the return of the trade unions to council,” he said.

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