President Cyril Ramaphosa meets with US delegation from Congress

President Cyril Ramaphosa has met a delegation from the US Congress. Picture: : Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

President Cyril Ramaphosa has met a delegation from the US Congress. Picture: : Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Published Feb 22, 2024


President Cyril Ramaphosa has met with a bipartisan delegation from the US Congress to discuss relations between Pretoria and Washington.

The visit by the US Congress delegation comes after two lawmakers tabled a Bill calling for the review of relations between the two countries over South Africa’s foreign policy.

South Africa has taken Israel to the International Court of Justice calling for it to stop its attacks on Gaza.

But Ramaphosa received a bipartisan delegation at Tuynhuys in Cape Town where they discussed various issues including the expansion of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), peace and security in Africa and the Middle East conflict.

“The engagement also covered South Africa’s economic opportunities with a focus on the expansion of trade and investment ties,” the presidency said.

“The African Growth and Opportunity Act continues to present significant value to Africa’s industrialisation, integration and and the diversification of the continent’s economies. Agoa provides a platform for US investors to participate in the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area,” it said.

“On the international relations, Ramaphosa underscored South Africa’s commitment to promoting peace, security and development on the African continent and across the world. This includes South Africa’s non-aligned position that seeks to forge cordial relations with all countries and promote the resolution of conflict through dialogue.”

Ramaphosa also discussed the conflict in the Middle East and said there should be a settlement between Israel and Palestine.

The conflict has been raging since October last year when Hamas launched an attack in Israel. The Israeli Defence Forces have been pounding Gaza for the last few months.

The United Nations said there must be humanitarian aid to the besieged city. Thousands of people have been killed since the war started.

The Israeli government wants Hamas to release all hostages.

Ramaphosa said there must be a solution to the conflict.

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