Parliament is not shirking its responsibility on Zondo report



Published May 5, 2022


Cape Town - Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula has dismissed suggestions by the official opposition that Parliament must start looking into the Zondo report before President Cyril Ramaphosa tables the final report.

This was after members of the DA told the programming committee it would be prudent to start looking at areas that the Zondo report was raising about Parliament.

But Mapisa-Nqakula said on Thursday it would be early to start with that process before Ramaphosa submits the final report and his plan of action.

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo submitted his report on Eskom last Friday. This comes after he submitted other reports into Bosasa and other departments.

Justice Zondo was granted the six-week extension by the North Gauteng High Court to conclude his final report.

He has until the middle of June to do so.

Mapisa-Nqakula said they have dealt with the process of how Parliament will handle the Zondo report and it was not correct that the national legislature would not act on the report.

“We have proposed a process of how to take forward the Zondo report once the President has presented the report to Parliament. In fact, the President will not just be providing us with the report, he will be submitting a plan of action on how to deal with the recommendations on the Zondo Commission report, and Parliament will then deal, amongst, with areas that directly affect their work of oversight in different portfolios.

“The fact that there is a delay in doing so because we are waiting for the President to make that submission, does not in any way take away the responsibility. We are not shunning away from the responsibility of dealing with the Zondo report. It’s not like Parliament is shunning away its responsibility of oversight in this matter,” said Mapisa-Nqakula.

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