Exploring the Future of Fishery Startups and Policy Framework in India

Dr. Krantisagar More is the National Convenor for Savishkar india, a Pan India initiative for Startup and innovation.

Dr. Krantisagar More is the National Convenor for Savishkar india, a Pan India initiative for Startup and innovation.

Published Mar 27, 2024


The Aquapreneurship Round Table Conference (RTC), hosted by Savishkar India in partnership with ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education Mumbai. This conference was supported by national institutes like Institute Of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, Indian Patent Office, Mumbai, and Anantam Ecosystems, Atal Incubation Centre - Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini (AIC-RMP), Akhil Bhartiya vidyarti Parishad, Mumbai and media partner was Maharashtra times recently convened at the esteemed ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education in Mumbai.

Introduction to Savishkar India and Incubation Centers

In the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and entrepreneurship, initiatives like Savishkar India play a pivotal role in shaping the aspirations and endeavors of young minds across the nation. Savishkar, a PAN India initiative, is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and startup creation among students, thereby nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs and change-makers. Central to its mission is the establishment of Incubation Centers, which serve as crucial hubs for supporting and nurturing fledgling startups.

The Essence of Savishkar India

At its core, Savishkar is committed to instilling a sense of curiosity and creativity among students, encouraging them to explore new ideas, projects, and studies.

Through a diverse array of educational events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, hackathons, and internship programs, Savishkar provides a platform for students to engage with real-world challenges and opportunities.

The aim of Savishkar extends beyond mere academic pursuits; it seeks to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among the youth, motivating them to embark on the journey of startup creation and business ownership.

By promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship, Savishkar endeavors to challenge conventional notions of employment and empower individuals to chart their own paths towards success.

Key Objectives and Principles of savishkar

Savishkar operates on a set of foundational principles aimed at driving positive change and fostering national development:

Promoting Startups: Savishkar educates students about government initiatives and funding opportunities to support startup growth. It provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to seek guidance from seasoned professionals and learn the intricacies of launching and managing a startup.

Fostering Innovation: Through its programs, Savishkar encourages students to nurture their innovative ideas and protects their intellectual property rights. It equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to transform their innovations into viable business ventures.

Cultivating Entrepreneurship: Savishkar advocates for a culture of entrepreneurship, emphasizing risk-taking, innovation, and self-reliance. By showcasing successful entrepreneurial stories and facilitating interactions with industry leaders, Savishkar inspires students to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions.

Empowering Through Skill Development: Recognizing the importance of skill development in personal and professional growth, Savishkar promotes training centers and programs that equip students with the necessary skills to thrive in the modern business landscape.

The Role of Incubation Centers

Central to Savishkar's ecosystem are Incubation Centers, which serve as invaluable resources for startups. These centers provide mentorship, resources, and infrastructure essential for the development and growth of nascent ventures. By facilitating visits to incubation centers and fostering collaborations between students and industry experts, Savishkar nurtures a supportive environment conducive to entrepreneurial success.

In essence, Savishkar India and its affiliated Incubation Centers represent beacons of hope and opportunity for the burgeoning entrepreneurial spirit of the nation’s youth.

Through their concerted efforts, they strive to propel India towards becoming a global hub for innovation and startups, thereby fostering sustainable economic growth and societal development.

The Aquapreneurship Round Table Conference convened key stakeholders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and experts in Mumbai, India.

Concept and Agenda of RTC :

In a groundbreaking initiative to steer India's fisheries sector towards sustainable growth and innovation, the Aquapreneurship Round Table Conference convened key stakeholders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and experts. Held under the theme "Discussing the Future of Fishery Startups and Policy Framework in India" this conference served as a pivotal platform for deliberating on the critical issues facing the industry and charting a course towards a brighter future.

The conference, which took place recently, spotlighted the pressing need to nurture the burgeoning field of aquapreneurship in India.

Discussions revolved around exploring technological innovations driving aquaculture, showcasing successful fishery startups, analyzing global market trends, and proposing policy reforms for a conducive regulatory environment.

Distinguished attendees engaged in in-depth conversations covering a wide array of topics, including innovation and technology in fisheries, sustainability and environmental impact, entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities, policy frameworks for aquapreneurship, and the role of startups in community development and social impact. Entrepreneurs and startups in the fisheries sector, investors, policymakers, researchers, and industry experts converged at the conference, contributing their expertise and insights to the dialogue.

The event served as a hub for networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, fostering connections and partnerships vital for driving positive change in the industry.

As a result of the conference, actionable recommendations emerged, aimed at shaping a comprehensive policy framework supporting aquapreneurship, establishing networks and collaborations between stakeholders, and disseminating knowledge regarding innovative technologies and sustainable practices in fisheries.

Aquapreneurship Round Table Conference heralded a new era of progress and innovation in India's fisheries sector. Through collective effort and collaboration, stakeholders are poised to propel the industry forward, ensuring a sustainable and vibrant future for fishery startups and the communities they serve.

Success Stories in Fisheries Startups :

Some of success stories exemplify the diverse range of opportunities within the fisheries startup ecosystem, showcasing innovative solutions that address environmental, social, and economic challenges.

As the industry continues to evolve, these startups serve as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to make a positive impact in the fisheries sector.

Aquabyte: Aquabyte specializes in aquaculture technology, offering fish farmers computer vision and machine learning tools to optimize feeding practices. By leveraging technology, Aquabyte has helped farmers improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

Fishbrain: Fishbrain is a mobile app that serves as a social network and resource for anglers. The platform allows users to log their catches, share fishing experiences, and access real-time fishing forecasts. With millions of users worldwide, Fishbrain has revolutionized recreational fishing, providing enthusiasts with valuable insights and community engagement opportunities.

BlueNalu: BlueNalu focuses on cellular aquaculture, producing sustainable seafood products through lab-grown fish cells. By addressing the increasing demand for seafood while minimizing environmental impact and overfishing, BlueNalu has garnered attention for its innovative approach to seafood production. The company’s efforts align with the growing consumer demand for ethically sourced and environmentally friendly food options.

Pelagic Data Systems: Pelagic Data Systems utilizes technology to promote sustainable fishing practices, offering vessel tracking solutions using satellite technology to monitor and combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. By providing actionable insights and real-time data, Pelagic Data Systems has helped fisheries improve compliance and sustainability, contributing to the conservation of marine resources.

Gfresh: Gfresh operates an online marketplace connecting seafood producers with buyers worldwide. The platform facilitates transparent and traceable seafood trade, enabling buyers to source fresh seafood directly from producers. With its focus on transparency and sustainability, Gfresh has transformed the seafood supply chain, empowering producers and ensuring quality and accountability for consumers.

This gathering marked a pivotal moment in shaping the trajectory of India's fisheries sector.

The RTC emerged as a beacon of opportunity for fostering entrepreneurship in fisheries, bringing together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds including startups, policymakers, academics, fishermen organizations, and students.

Through insightful discussions and engaging sessions, participants delved into technological advancements, policy interventions, and sustainable practices, setting the stage for future innovation and growth.

Dealing with Societal Challenges:

Addressing societal ills head-on, the conference explored avenues for sustainable development and community empowerment within the fisheries sector. Discussions on social entrepreneurship, community development, and the role of startups in driving positive change highlighted the potential of initiatives like the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana to uplift local communities and foster inclusive growth.

Strengthening the Policy Framework:

Distinguished policymakers and industry experts shared their experiences and insights, shedding light on government strategies, policy interventions, and regulatory frameworks aimed at creating an enabling environment for fishery startups.

Emphasis was placed on aligning policies with entrepreneurial needs and promoting innovation-driven growth in the sector.

Promoting Sustainability and Technological Advancements:

Central to the discourse was the role of technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT solutions, in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of fisheries operations.

Participants explored opportunities for leveraging technology to monitor and manage fisheries resources effectively, paving the way for a more resilient and environmentally conscious industry.

Job Creation and Economic Growth:

The RTC underscored the significant contributions of the fisheries sector to job creation and economic growth in India. With over 20 million fishermen and fish farmers directly benefiting from the industry, it plays a crucial role in driving inclusive development and poverty alleviation.

By fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, the conference aimed to unlock the sector's full potential and create new opportunities for employment and economic prosperity.

The Aquapreneurship Round Table Conference served as a platform for collaborative action and dialogue, shaping the future of fishery startups and policy frameworks in India.

By harnessing collective expertise and passion, the conference laid the groundwork for a sustainable and vibrant fisheries sector that contributes to social, economic, and environmental well-being.

Dr. Krantisagar More, a visionary entrepreneur and PhD (Tech) in pharmaceutics at the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) in Mumbai, is renowned for his groundbreaking work in nano vitamin D3 formulations. Currently he is holds a position as the National Convenor for Savishkar india, a Pan India initiative for Startup and innovation.