NFP welcomes government decision to allow Palestinians to enter SA without visa

The National Freedom Party said the decision to allow Palestinian nationals to enter South Africa without a visa was a milestone. Picture: Supplied

The National Freedom Party said the decision to allow Palestinian nationals to enter South Africa without a visa was a milestone. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 22, 2023


The National Freedom Party has welcomed the decision by the government that allows Palestinians to enter South Africa for 90 days without a visa.

NFP MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam told Deputy President Paul Mashatile in Parliament on Friday that this was a correct decision.

Shaik Emam said it was a problem the government had allowed only Israelis to enter South Africa for 90 days without a visa, but not extending the same right to the Palestinians.

He said they have been pushing for this issue for a long time and they also welcome the fact that Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi was able to listen to their calls for Palestinians to get into the country without a visa.

He said this was major milestone in the democratic dispensation.

"This development signifies a watershed moment in South Africa's history — a moment that encapsulates the core principles of justice, human rights, and equality and sends a powerful message of solidarity with the Palestinian people," said Shaik Emam.

“The disparity that existed between Palestinians requiring visas and Israelis not needing them was deeply problematic. This inconsistency in our policies was a stark reminder of the need for government’s policy to be firmly rooted in principles of human rights and justice,” he said.

This was a powerful message of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

"The waiver extends to Palestinian citizens and diplomats, marking a profound shift. It eliminates the arduous and strenuous visa application process that Palestinians previously had to navigate, replacing it with a warm welcome and a strengthened bridge of friendship with our Palestinian brothers and sisters,” said Shaik Emam.

South Africa has strong bilateral ties with the Palestinians dating back decades ago.
