Mogoeng Mogoeng not backing down as he makes more controversial vaccine and Covid-19 remarks

Former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng

Former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng

Published Feb 15, 2022


Fresh out of facing the music over his prayer against "evil Covid-19 vaccines", former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng has once again come under the spotlight over the same issue.

The former head of the judiciary said the issue of the debate around Covid-19 vaccines was being silenced in the media and complained of one-sided reportage on the issue.

He also questioned why those who did not wish to be vaccinated were being forced to do so, when vaccinated people were better protected from the virus.

Speaking on Monday night during an interview on eNCA's Power to Truth with JJ Tabane, Mogoeng questioned why the media had not queried “facts” over the origin of the Coronavirus, vaccines and what informed the establishment of the Disaster Management Act and whether it aligned with the country's Constitution.

"There is no free flow of information on the other side of the court. Just bring all the information to the table so that we can fully appreciate the lies, if there are lies against vaccination and the origin of Coronavirus. Give us both sides of the story, not just one side," he said.

He added: "Don't act as if you still want to instil fear in us, you want to secure desperation in us for vaccination. Don't. This is a very serious matter."

In defending his triple six prayers, Mogoeng previously said: "If there are any vaccines that would negatively affect the lives of people, vaccines must never see the light of day. So people must pray against that. It's important... I'm not a scientist... I'm a prayer warrior so I'm encouraging prayer warriors to pray. If there are any vaccines with triple six, I want God to destroy it..."

His remarks prompted the health advocacy organisation African Alliance to lodge a complaint with the Judicial Service Commission which later referred to the matter to the Conduct Committee.

Mogoeng also pointed out that the disaster management act was resorted to instead of section 37 of the Constitution, which relates to a state of emergency.

"Why is it that you people (the media) who are always fishing out for Mogoengs of this world never queried why Section 12(2) of the Constitution (was never considered)."

According to Section 12(2): "Everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right— (a) to make decisions concerning reproduction; (b) to security in and control over their body; and (c) not to be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without their informed consent."

There have since been dissenting views to Mogoeng's remarks with some social media users indicating that it was "good" that he is no longer the country's Chief Justice.

Political Bureau