Chris Hani's widow lambasts those responsible for Janusz Walus' release

The Wreath laying Ceremony at Thomas Nkobi Memorial Park for the Commemoration of the 26th anniversary of the assassination of Chris Hani. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso/African New Agency (ANA)

The Wreath laying Ceremony at Thomas Nkobi Memorial Park for the Commemoration of the 26th anniversary of the assassination of Chris Hani. Picture: Bhekikhaya Mabaso/African New Agency (ANA)

Published Apr 10, 2023


As the South African Communist Party (SACP) gathered to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Chris Hani's assassination, the late leaders' widow Limpho Hani did not mince her words in chastising those who played a role in the release of her husband’s killer.

Speaking at the Thomas Titus Nkobi Memorial Park in Germiston on Monday 10 April, Hani said that according to the South African courts, her husbands killer Janusz Walus was "suddenly" a nice person who deserved to be released early.

"This system allowed this criminal to continue with life while he took away my husband and your comrade. Surely Chris' life should be worth something to the country and law," Hani said.

Walus, a Polish immigrant was stabbed in jail, days before he was scheduled to be released on parole last December.

Walus was released a week later in December last year after the Constitutional Court ordered Justice Minister Ronald Lamola to release the murderer who gunned down the SACP leader, in the driveway of his Boksburg home in 1993.

Walus will not be allowed to leave South Africa as part of his parole conditions.

In her lengthy address on Monday, Hani's widow lambasted Chief Justice Raymond Zondo for ruling in favour of Walus' release.

"Zondo did not care. This time our hearts are broken. Those in power say that our loss is too little and that the killer of our family and dreams meant more.

" I do not accept that we must just get over it, " she said.

She went further saying that ANC leader Oliver Tambo was "turning in his grave" knowing that Hani's killer was released.

"The Chief Justice is not a chief induna. He attacked Tambo when he released Janusz.

"Parole was unfair and unwarranted.

"This is not an event for us, it's a lifetime of hell on Earth," she added.

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi also expressed disappointment that while Hani was murdered Walus was set free.

"To the Hani family, Communist Party and our alliance partners, Janusz will never know peace until he visits his own grave," Lesufi said.

Also present at the commemoration was Minister Zizi Kodwa, SACP veteran Blade Nzimande, members of Parliament and ambassadors of China, Vietnam, Palestine and Cuba.

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