Buthelezi urges King Misuzulu to call imbizo, brief Zulu nation on Ingonyama Trust succession

Published May 10, 2023


Durban – Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi met with King Misuzulu kaZwelithini on Tuesday, after announcing Inkosi Thanduyise Mzimela as the next chairperson of the Ingonyama Trust board.

In a statement on Wednesday, Buthelezi said he expressed concern about how the transition from former Judge Jerome Ngwenya to Inkosi Mzimela was handled, and that it had “created serious confusion and distress within the Zulu nation”.

Buthelezi (who announced in advance that he would not attend) and some amakhosi (chiefs) from the King Cetshwayo district did not attend the imbizo.

“His majesty advised that he wished to report to me on the meeting he had held with some amakhosi that afternoon,” Buthelezi said.

“His majesty related that, in that meeting, he had announced the name of inkosi Thanduyise Mzimela as his nominee to the Ingonyama Trust board in terms of section 2A(3)(a) of the KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Act.

“Accordingly, inkosi Mzimela replaces Mr Jerome Ngwenya as chairperson of the board.

“Responding to his majesty’s briefing, I expressed concern over the way this matter has been handled, as there have been inconsistencies in communication which created serious confusion and distress within the Zulu nation.

“His majesty responded to my concerns saying, “Ngizokulungisa” (“I will fix it”).

“While our meeting was private, and I have no intention of discussing the details in the media – particularly when his majesty instructed all media to leave the room during his meeting with the amakhosi yesterday afternoon – this matter is of such consequence to the Zulu nation that I feel morally obliged to indicate where matters stand at present,” Buthelezi said in his statement.

He said he advised the king to take the Zulu nation into his confidence on this matter through an imbizo.

If the king fails to call the imbizo, he will be obliged to call it in his capacity as the nation’s traditional prime minister.

“I strongly believe, and have advised that it is necessary for the king to take the nation into his confidence at this point to put to rest any wrong speculation over what has transpired.

“I therefore indicated to his majesty that if an imbizo is not called, I will be compelled to call an imbizo myself as the traditional prime minister to the Zulu monarch and nation, as I once did during the lifetime of his late father,” Buthelezi said.

“Amakhosi who administer the land of the Ingonyama Trust, and those who live on the land are entitled to know what has happened.

“It is neither helpful nor fair that matters of such significance are speculated about in the media by individuals with only partial knowledge, incorrect information or ill motives, while those who should be fully informed are not.

“I therefore thank his majesty for committing to fix this and will await his action in this regard,” he said.

Meanwhile, the founder of the Empangeni-based Heritage Trust and ally of the king, Professor Musa Xulu has penned an open letter to the king pleading with him to stop his public feud with Buthelezi.

Xulu said it was worrying that the king has dumped all the people who helped him ascend to the throne amid an attempt by Prince Simakade and his backers to claim it.

“We know that you have chosen people from the PAC, who openly opposed you during the first round of your wars within the Zulu royal family, as your advisers. These are anti-ANC parasites who also hate the good deeds of your own traditional prime minister,” he warned.

“Remember, Bayede! Who fought for you to ascend the throne?” Xulu said in his open letter.


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