ANC welcomes Public Protector report on Phala Phala

South Africa Cape Town -2023-June-23- Fikile Mbalula speaking at the opening of 9th ANC Western Cape Provincial Conference at the CTICC Cape Town. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

South Africa Cape Town -2023-June-23- Fikile Mbalula speaking at the opening of 9th ANC Western Cape Provincial Conference at the CTICC Cape Town. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 1, 2023


ANC Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula says the ruling party welcomes the report of the acting Public Protector into Phala Phala saying if anyone disagrees with it they can take it to court instead of insulting her.

Mbalula said they did not want people who disagree with acting public protector advocate Kholeka Gcaleka to hurl insults at her, but rather take the report on review.

He said the report on Phala Phala has now cleared President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC welcomed it.

Gcaleka released her report after a year of investigation into Phala Phala.

Mbalula, who was addressing the ANC Youth League conference on Saturday, said the people who feel that the report was flawed they can challenge it in court.

Those who are not happy with the outcome they can make an application in court and state their case.

There was no reason to launch personal attacks and insults against Gcaleka, said Mbalula, adding that the correct route to take will be a review application by those who are aggrieved by the findings of the acting public protector.

“If you disagree with the public protector what do you do? You go to court. You don’t insult her because she is a woman. Because you expected her to agree with you. You put the facts before a judge and challenge the outcome. That’s why the decisions of the public protector can be reviewed,” said Mbalula.

He said that is how the law works. The facts can be argued in court about the report.

Personal insults against the acting public protector will not be tolerated.

“As the ANC we are very happy that our president has been exonerated by the public protector. Should anyone stand against that or think that there is anything untoward in the report we think that it is within their right (to take it to court),” said Mbalula.

The opposition has already warned that it would take the report on review.

The EFF, ATM and DA said they were not satisfied with the findings of the acting public protector and believe it may be overturned in court.

They believe that the report was flawed.

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